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Arizona Griz

First Mexico Coues Deer Hunt

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I hunted in Sonora, Mexico in January 2001. We hunted on a private ranch and basically guided ourselves for seven days. The rancher allowed us to use his horses and one of his cowboys to lead us out to where we hunted all day. We saw a lot of deer with a high percentage of bucks. One of our hunters took a 111 B.&C. with the others being in the 90's. I had expected to see more larger bucks but the hunt was a great experience that I will never forget. My friends have since hunted the ranch the last two years and have shot respectible bucks but I am afraid the ranch just doesn't hold any monster bucks. I am now checking into a possible hunt for next year or the year after in the state of Chihuahua.


Arizona Griz.

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I went on my first Mexico hunt last year and did about the same as you, self guided with a ranch cowboy. I got a good buck and cant wait to go again. I was in Sonora, but want to look into Chihuahua and have some more options...........Allen

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Since you are both interested in Chihuahua Mexico hunts, I thought I would point out that one of our sponsors, Ojo Caliente Outfitters offers hunts there. And they just submitted a hunt story which was filmed for a hunting show and features two nice bucks that got harvested. Read the story and contact the outfitter for more info. Here is the link to the story:Ojo Caliente Outfitters Hunt story


Duwane Adams offers hunts in Mexico as well. I am not sure if he does Chihuahua hunts or only in Sonora. You can visit his webpage to learn more:Duwane Adams web page


Hope you get a good hunt lined up!



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Thanks Amanda. I went to the sites and found some good information. I spoke to Mr. Adams and right now he has a couple slots left for Sonora, but what I found out was that the ranches he hunts in Sonora have been with him for alot of years, so he makes sure the ranches are not over harvested. He saw quite a few bucks over 100 this past season. He told me that one day he and a hunter saw a buck around 115 but the hunter wasnt hunting coues, just muleys. Anyway thanks for the heads up on two reputable services. I am now trying to figure out how to scrape up the $3,800.00. Anyone want to buy a used wife or kids????????.......LOL......

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