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unretreaved animals

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ever wonder how many animals are shot and never retreived. I have already met 3 hunters this weeked that hit deer but didn't retrieve . they didn't take good shots and didn't wait long enough before retrieving. Last year during the first unit 22 slaughter i saw 2 elk get shot and they didn't drop right away so the hunters never even checked there shoots. So please take alittle more time to retrieve your animals and take ethical shots. WE OWE IT TO THESE AWESOME ANIMALS WE PERSUE > Just sayin . so what percentage of hits do you think are retrieved. just wondering. thanks

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Not the best post to put on a public hunting forum. I understand your frustration, but anti hunting groups read these sites and will use it against us. Your right though, people need to respect the animals we hunt.

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that is why there should be an archery hunter safety course. No more over the counter unless u pass a test period. HELLO!!! why for guns and not for arrow flinging rookies?

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that is why there should be an archery hunter safety course. No more over the counter unless u pass a test period. HELLO!!! why for guns and not for arrow flinging rookies?

I believe there is an archery hunter safety course. I actually was one of the first to attend the first archery instructor class back years ago. I assume they are still instructing the classes. There is no test for gun hunters to pass a test unless you are a youth hunter. Maybe I've been out of instructing classes to long.



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The only animal I haven't retrieved, that I've personally shot would be dove. Over the years I've lost some but would look all day (while shooting other dove) never lost a big game animal but I know it happens. Not always the hunters fault, but it is always the careless hunters fault!

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that is why there should be an archery hunter safety course. No more over the counter unless u pass a test period. HELLO!!! why for guns and not for arrow flinging rookies?
Heck why not muzzle loader too. Maybe even add slingshot and bb gun while your at it.
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Oh 25-06, please don't open up that can of warms lol.
Heck why not...lol

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hills boro can. lol. I gotta get up at 4 so Iam outa here.

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sorry about bringing up this subject , didn't think about the none hunters ,freedom of speech and expression is getting tough these days, and apparently some don't mind the waste of gods creatures. and im not real religious , 25 06 you behaive or i'll call your mom

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gotcha im just playing with him ,was getting a kick out of you 2 going back and forth, all good. and it happens but you have to try, I was taught to always check your shot, in fact there were acouple times i didn't want to cross that canyon to look but i did and there he leid. wish you to a long and hurrasing frendship. thankyou for the reply

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