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once again, i feel like my first day of kindergarten.


I had hunted my favorite stand a couple of times this year, only to find another tree stand in the area, and i think the owner killed a buck in december. But i tagged out in January last year, so i couldn't hunt again until January. So, i had to sit on the sidelines and wait as bucks dropped.


I finally was able to get in my stand the first week of January. But it was slow. I saw a few does, and that was it. I switched tree stands to a more heavily hunted area where i tagged out last year, and it was just as dead.


So, i looked at my schedule last friday morning and decided i could get out in the morning for a few hours. I had all my gear set out the night before, but when i loaded up in the morning, i realized i was missing a piece of my safety harness. (The piece that attaches to the tree.) I wasted all kind of time looking for it, and eventually found a climbing strap that would work in its place.


well after all that time wasted, i was driving fast and taking chances. it was daylight by the time i hiked to my stand, and there must have been 30 elk under it. they left with a small stampede. I'm a firm believer in the laziness of coues deer, so i went ahead and climbed up. but the climbing strap wouldn't let me turn in the stand. i was just kind of stuck in the tree. but, i'd taken the morning off, and wasn't going to give up.


so i sat there. i was just about to call it a morning, and start the hike back to the truck, when i saw a little movement to my right. i glanced over just in time to see some tines glistening above a coues buck's ears. he was grunting like crazy, and on the heels of his girlfriend. I thought i wasn't going to get a shot, i could't turn and they appeared to be moving quickly.


I don't know why i get so religious when a big buck is on the line, but i confessed all my sins and cried to the Almighty to lend a hand. maybe it's because i realize that these circumstances are out of my control. the doe then stopped, and they began to graze. but at 85 yards, they would soon be dead down wind, and i still couldn't move. the buck began to pick up my scent and got really nervous. he was on full alert looking for me at this point. it looked like he was going to bust out of there, so i thought of a few more sins i had forgotten about and confessed them, too, and prayed for the wind to change. so the wind changed so hard the other direction i got nervous. the tree was swaying like on old drunk on a friday night. this gave me an opportunity to adjust my harness so i could move. so i got turned around, by this time the buck had moved in to 57 yards, and stopped to nibble on some brunch. i had to stand on my tip toes to shoot over a branch. somehow the wind died down, i was able to put the 60 yard pin near the bottom of his belly. i wasn't sure if i could hold it still with all these variables, but i got that pin rock solid, and the buck held still.


well, it wasn't a great shot. I punched the trigger just a bit, and the wind was still blowing a touch, which resulted in the arrow hitting about a foot to the left, right in his paunch. but he was quartering away hard enough, that the arrow cut his liver in half, and stuck him in the opposite shoulder. he bolted, and i was nervous, and prayed again. suddenly he stopped. he looked hurt. he then began to trot away, but stopped again, only to tip over for the last time.


i had to put the tag on him to drag him out. some buddies showed up with a camera later on when i got closer to the trailhead, where this pic was taken.


i'm very thankful, it's my best buck yet.

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Thanks, for sharing. Nothing wrong with a little prayer...

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Props to the guys that helped with the packout. I was a little overstaffed but thankful none the less. One of these kids got a nice buck this year on a December tag, ill post about that soon.


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