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Long hot summer

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Gas powered 5 hp trash pumps no internal combustion motors longest push is about 150 feet with 10 foot lift. Restrictions are from 9am to 8 pm so if we need to pump, because we can't gravity feed a drinker storage tank, it's early morning hauls. All volunteer and 2 to 3 hour drives. Trailers are 500 (2), 800 (1)and 1,000 (1) gallon when they are all up and running. Been looking into running electric pumps off inverters if it comes down to that, we could run some smaller sump pumps. All of this is worst case scenario before full forest closure if it comes to that.





I'm curious, if it's all volunteers doing the hauling, where does the $1,000,000.00+ cost for hauling water I keep hearing about come from?


Haven't heard about a $1,000,000. cost for hauling water. Our little 3 man crew has moved 49,900 gallons of water over 3,100 miles of not so friendly N AZ backcountry and we have only been in 5B north and 7E. Others in 7W and 9 have probably hauled a lot more.


5BN roads are bad. Got to be hard on equipment. Kudos to all who haul water for our wildlife.

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