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Food for Thought

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The title of this forum is long range shooting, Hunting is a privilege not a right.Shooting at deer, or any big game for that matter,at ranges of 600 yards and beyond is not only unethical but dangerous as well, I am sure you guys can remember," be sure of your target and what is beyond" from hunter safety.Well practice it.


I don't care what 308nut's ballistic calculator says; who in their right mind advocates winging 300gr.bullets from a 338-Edge at Coues deer even at 200 yards. O I forgot you guy and gals pass those shots. If you want to shoot at those distances go to the range and put yourselves up against some men and women who will kick your buts at the game.


I don't care what nuts says or the solutions all your BC calculators print, shooting at those ranges at game is irresponsible There is a lot more to it that reading a solution from your BC's, developing a repeatable load and practice. The first of which is developing your hunting skills and patience until you can ethically close the deal even if it is a big one.


Keep it at the range.


The: Scientist .

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Not drunk or drinking Bong water. You guys are the trolls. Write an argument back use a little critical thinking when you read and I have seen that dog on some ones shoulder.


But just about what I woul expect from ones with such swollen heads.

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Anti camera and anti long range hunting? Man, how do you even kill anything?

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The idiot's not worth the time fellas....


Just another clueless grumpy old man more than likely...

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Oh no!!

What am I gonna do.

I let my son who was 10 at the time shoot a coues buck at 401 yds...with his .243


Btw he killed it with a heart shot.....

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Must be from a state where they stand rifle hunt where more than a 75 yard shot won't happen.


Or your just piss poor shot. Your right. YOU keep it at the range.

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Sounds like a person who doesn't have enough skill to shoot long range wants to tell everyone else who has the skill not too.


I didn't realize 600 yds was considered long range anymore.

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