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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG


  2. JLG

    Looking for pistol primers

    Sent you a message, Take Care.
  3. JLG


  4. JLG


  5. JLG

    Trade for corvette! UPDATED!!!!

    same deal, 500 mid 70's vintage large rifle primers. Vet plus cash on your side to even up the deal...and a Glacier Gatorade.
  6. One suggestion I have would be to get on the buy sell sites on Facebook for Springerville Show Low and the White mountains and do an ISO for Trail rentals. Save you hauling it most of the way. Good Luck.
  7. Garvins is the place in Rye, they also offer delivery and set up service too up on the Rim, they have a small fleet of drivers who will take the RVs up to a place of your chosing you just need to show up. Pretty cool.
  8. JLG

    WTT primers

    Wanted to send you a PM but I think your messages are full.
  9. JLG

    ISO 7.6 Creedmoor

    Definately getting laughs out of the comments, suprised no one has tried to work the trade.
  10. JLG

    ISO 7.6 Creedmoor

    ISO of 7.6 Creedmoor, have four pound of H1000 and two pounds of Retumbo in trade.....just need a single box.
  11. JLG

    SCAMMED What an idiot !!!

    I pretty much only do Face to face. I am on another app and scams are so rampant that there are boards that exist just to call out scammers. You can check with the admins and they will give their two cents about if the person is real or not. Face to face seems best, which limits you to how far you want to drive. I like to drive so I am up for stuff if it strikes my fancy. That said I have my limits.
  12. Guys, I went to the store this morning and all the 20 gauge turkey loads he had were gone. He was in California and his shop was closed Wednesday thru Saturday. They must have been purchased yesterday. I am sorry should have just grabbed them than put this up. I feel bad about it.
  13. There is this gun shop off the beaten path and they have about 8 or 9 boxes of the loads above if you have a kiddo hunt coming up and are interested in getting some of these for your children let me know and I will work something out for you if possible. Cost before tax and 3 percent on credit card is $24.95 per box. Take Care JLG.
  14. Bump this around again, going to pickup the boxes folks wanted on Monday, by my count probably 3 left.
  15. Bump this back around again. Going to get the rounds folks already asked for on Monday which is about half of what they have. Anyone else interested let me know and I will get some for you as well. Take Care JLG.
  16. JLG

    WTB 32gr 20cal Vmax Bullets

    Little Shop I know about that has 20 caliber, he is out of town this week and back Monday so I will check for bullet weights for you. Take Care, JLG.
  17. Hi David tried to send you a message feel like your inbox maybe full.
  18. VZ, I have someone in front of you on this if it falls thru I will get back to you, Thank you for your interest.
  19. 10 x 10 canvas wall tent with floor also set up to take a wood burning stove. The zipper works hard and has a tear at the top where the pole goes thru the grommet at the door. Currently duck taped and functional😁. Will take 350 or trade for firearm. In Payson but comedown to the Valley more than I care to 😊.
  20. JLG

    IBC frames

    Anyone have just the metal IBC frames, looking for a couple. Thank you.
  21. That is a great picture isnt it.
  22. Thanks for getting back to me.