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Everything posted by Critter

  1. Critter

    Sold 9000 pounds of antler

    BC You should grind it all up and sell 9000 LBs in bonerpills. Make a killin! Maybe hit the streets of vegas.... possibilities are endless.
  2. Critter

    Santa Rita SurviverMan ???

    That is awesome. I can't tell you about the legalities... but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive right. Bring a camera and post pics/story when you return there jeremiah.
  3. Critter

    Ashlyn's 1st spring turkey hunt

    Nice! Turkey hunt'n can be very difficult. You landed a great bird.
  4. Critter

    Selling Sheds

    I thought you could always keep them if not fresh and as long as no hair on skull.....That was my understanding anyway. I'm pretty sure it hasn't kept anyone from buying them anyway if someone has them for sale.
  5. Critter

    What insurance do you use?

    Fyi... peter lewis is dead. who knows where his money ends up now.
  6. This is the best I can simplify this... then I'm done. If someone's belief is that stealing from someone is ok... it MAKES THEM WRONG! Why? because it is wrong to steal dustin. What you're telling me is that I should respect their belief/thievery and that is a bunch of crap! What don't you get about this?
  7. Dustin... are you actually reading and absorbing my comments? Why dislike their belief system? uh...because it's wrong and I don't agree with it. Is there a law saying I have to agree with them? No one said you shouldn't treat someone by the content of their character... but if it is in their character to wrong me or someone else I don't have any respect for their crappy belief system. Why is this difficult to understand!? I'm not going to continue arguing with you... please re-read my comments.
  8. I might as well accept someone's "truth" of stealing? Ha. It's my business if they're stealing from me... They'll feel the consequences alright. Dustin you keep on keep'n on thinking it's ok to just accept the evils of this world as "someones truth" It's quite the fantasy of what is right and wrong I'd say... Yes it is "absolutely possible to have your own truth" that was not argued by anyone..... I'm not sure you're understanding my point so I'll put it in a bit more simple manner.... It's ok to hate the crime or wrongdoing without hating the person.
  9. Dustin... a few key observations in your commentary: "everyone has their own truth" and "nobody has the right to play god and think they have all the answers to what is right and what is not" These are some common beliefs I've heard from atheists and what not but if you are a Christian you understand it's bogus. I don't know your religious beliefs but just making an observation. There are a few things I've learned and one of those is if you follow your own "truth" you end up no where. Following your own "truth" is just another way of living your way and not Gods way and in the liberal's mind it becomes a valid excuse to do whatever you want and it's perfectly fine because that is my way and we need to be accepting of each other (Progressivism). It's a flawed approach to life in my opinion and according to the bible. Second... you're right no one has the right to play God. But I believe there are Absolutes in life... in other words you know what is right and wrong. Your conscience will tell you. Stealing is wrong... but if someone studying their own truth feels it is right I am suppose to accept it? Doesn't matter who you are... it is just wrong. What I am getting at is it is Ok to understand right and wrong as an absolute without Judging someone. I have lots of friends that do not think like I do but I don't judge them... we're still friends. No one said anything about "disliking" someone because they have a different belief system as you implied. I "dislike" their belief system and won't compromise to it plain and simple and I could be friends with someone with that belief system and just maybe my belief system would wear off on them.
  10. Dustin... I think most of us are all for compromises in congress on most issues. Ex.. monies allowed for a certain project/defense/social security type issues. We can agree on this for sure. What I am referring to is something much more important. The erosion of our values and traditions as a country. The progressives on the left that push the anything goes mentality are destroying this country and I Refuse to bow down to their BS. Plain and simple. I will not compromise with any Left leaning lib that promotes deterioration of the morals and principles this country was founded on. I see it all over...there is sewer line running out of Hollywood directly into our televisions and it is disgusting what is on Tv now days. I have a 10 mo. old and when he is older he will not watch the filth that is spewed from certain stations. We are in a culture war with the folks that are promoting this crap, as well as the leftists that think hunting/trapping/etc... is evil. I'll never back down or compromise with these cowards on issues that I believe strongly in. Hopefully that clears it up.
  11. The last thing I will do is "compromise" with the progressive liberal extremists who's only goal is to drag this country as far left as they can into an immoral corrupt abyss. It is called having convictions and sticking to what you believe is right. I agree compromise needs to happen in congress but when one party (and/or many certain extreme leftist organizations) attempt to drag this great country into a liberal ideology that would make our forefathers puke... enough becomes enough. I'm talking about politicians that are swayed by orgs such as peta, sierra club, and other anti-hunting loons that want to take away your God given right to hunt/fish/bear arms and don't kid yourself they will do it in a New York minute if they are able. If you ask me, one of the parties has become FAR more extreme than the other... and it is not the republicans. I will always vote for the person (repub or dem) that fights to preserve our traditions and rights as Americans and refuses to compromise those principles. When you start compromising these things which we already have we become our own enemy and only then do we become a weak country. I'm done...
  12. Critter

    What Church do you attend?

    Heights Church.. Prescott
  13. Critter

    Who's buying?

    I'm not secretive about anything... I buy antlers. The Orig poster asked for any buyers to Private message him.... Bc777 not sure why it would be a big deal. We didn't create the post... someone else posted asking who is buying and we are simply responding. Shouldn't be any harm in it.
  14. Critter

    Who's buying?

    I buy.. in Prescott. Pm Sent
  15. Critter

    Opening morning ND tom

    Nice tom. Awesome experience. I hunted in ND my whole life and have taken a few birds up there. It is a great place. Cool you got to see a moose also!
  16. Critter

    elk shed prices

    I buy antlers for projects and have paid up to $14/lb... You can Pm me if you have any for sale. I make chandeliers out of them.
  17. Critter

    Whitetail on trail camera

    Is this one of them "find the critter" contests... dang I still don't see the deer.
  18. Critter

    strangest trail cam photo

    Looks like 1shot's fist about to punch out your camera's lens
  19. Critter

    17a 17b turkey hunt

    That's a tough one for turkey. I've seen turkey up in 17A maybe 3-4 times total. I drew that same tag last year. Called in a lone hen on a water hole on my hunt but otherwise no bearded turkeys. Didn't even see a tom or jake. Then again... when I hiked into this tank there was a bear on it... took video of the bear and all. That was exciting. Good news is there's only what 10 tags or so? Just because I didn't have much luck doesn't mean you won't... go scout and check it all out.. I have a few spots if you pm me but no guarantees. Juniper mesa area is a good chance.
  20. Critter

    They are starting to hit CC

    51 Thousand Views and 35 pages and someone just started another thread about when will elk an goat results come out....Oh wow.
  21. Critter

    Bear, Bobcats, Bugling Elk and a Rio....

    Question on the turkey.. looks awesome. Appears to be a real alligator juniper with real limbs. Won't that greenery go brown? or is it artificial? All the mounts look great by the way.
  22. Critter

    Finally got one!!!

    couple of nice foxes! Your fox has some serious girth to it and also really nice color and fur. I'm also addicted to predator calling and calling in fox is a blast. Are you going to get him mounted? At least skin him out and tan the hide. Nice fox.
  23. Critter

    MADE MY DAY!!!

    Like the Pics of the coyote... pretty cool.
  24. Ya sorry your thread was derailed bownut but when someone comes on here advocating or tryin to justify thievery I can't sit idle... sorry. Back to the original subject.... heck yeah I would hunt that spot. Unless someone is actually there when you show up you're good!
  25. In my opinion you round-a-boutedly stole the generator.... It was CHAINED TO A TREE... someone's resource for cutting wood and they maybe don't have much money. People don't chain stuff to trees if they are not coming back for it yet you took it upon yourself to report it as you said in your post, make it a big deal and get forest srvc to cut the chain for you. You know dang well they would've been back for it and that is the problem I have with Your thought process thinking it is ok. I believe I said "I despise the liberal take what you can get mentality". I didn't call you specifically a liberal.. Re-read the post... "Folks these are our trail cam thieves" referring to people that think like you. Stating facts 1shot. I guess you assumed a whole lot by my "name-calling" but most of us can connect the dots on who is doing the stealing of trail cams. Not necessarily you but people that think like you for sure. We don't need to meet for coffee Jim. Just expressing my opinions... it's a discussion forum that Is what we do but your actions and prior posts struck a chord with me for sure.