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Shotgun shells (dove season)

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Any one been stocking up on shells for dove season? Very hard to find and at a reasonable price. Wanted to shoot some Clay's to practice but dont want to deplenish what I have left from last year. 

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definitely don't practice and yes it is super hard to find. Im saving mine for quail season i don't think id have enough to do both seasons


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Between 12 and 20 gauge I have enough for dove and maybe quail depends on how good dove season is but the wife would like to out and bust some clays. I'll keep scouting around

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5 hours ago, Mountain said:

Any one been stocking up on shells for dove season? Very hard to find and at a reasonable price. Wanted to shoot some Clay's to practice but dont want to deplenish what I have left from last year. 

I don't know what side of town your on, but the last email I got from Rio Salado about sporting clays, they were selling 5 boxes of shells per 100 rounds of clays. Check your local Wal-Mart as was stated above, I picked up two 100 round boxes a couple of weeks ago.

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Walmart in Show Low had a 3 box limit, thought I'd bring a few home with me. Dude rang them up and said thirty something dollars.. I respectfully backed out of the sale and left in disbelief. 

Is 2-3/4" 12 Gauge 7 shot really going for over $10 a box right now, even at Walmart? 

I see the link to Federal above and it was the same box. Crazy.

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8 minutes ago, CouesPursuit said:

Walmart in Show Low had a 3 box limit, thought I'd bring a few home with me. Dude rang them up and said thirty something dollars.. I respectfully backed out of the sale and left in disbelief. 

Is 2-3/4" 12 Gauge 7 shot really going for over $10 a box right now, even at Walmart? 

I see the link to Federal above and it was the same box. Crazy.

100 packs are on the cheap

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33 minutes ago, CouesPursuit said:

Walmart in Show Low had a 3 box limit, thought I'd bring a few home with me. Dude rang them up and said thirty something dollars.. I respectfully backed out of the sale and left in disbelief. 

Is 2-3/4" 12 Gauge 7 shot really going for over $10 a box right now, even at Walmart? 

I see the link to Federal above and it was the same box. Crazy.

Yup that unfortunately seems to be the new price... for now anyways. 

Cabelas is 9.99 a box for the same ones but they never have any in stock.

Also with federal after 150 dollars, its free shipping.

1 flat is 109 dollars

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Might have to keep your powder dry til you get a coveted crossing 2-fer shot.

Good luck with your hunts (ammo hunting and dove hunting).


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47 minutes ago, HorseHunter said:

Might have to keep your powder dry til you get a coveted crossing 2-fer shot.

Good luck with your hunts (ammo hunting and dove hunting).


Mine was out off of Hawes and Elliot close to 10 years ago. They came in from behind me. I aimed at one and just as I squeezed off the shot the other one shifted it's path and down they both went. Damndest thing I ever saw.


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Wow, I had no idea they had gone up that much.  I stocked up with cases of 250 shells when Cabela's used to have them on sale for a little over $5/box.  Glad I did.

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