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Be ready for a steep learning curve. Turkey can either be the easiest hunt or most difficult one - sometimes both on the same day. :) Good luck!

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I'm  no expert  been on a spring hunt and was calling  in a bird and got a bear instead.He got to 20 yards and didn't  care what noise I made .Then I just had the fall tag and blew it not once but twice.Know how far your gun will  pattern and don't  put half your shot into  the side of a tree .Also remember  your calling  and sound like food so keep your back to a tree and be ready for anything. GOOD LUCK !!

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Get out and scout as much as possible, look for sign around water. Once you have found an area that is holding a decent population of birds try and locate their roost trees. From my experience, a flock of birds will usually have 2-3 possibly more trees they like to roost in. I usually tend to find them about 2/3 of the way up on a ridge but can be just about anywhere. I am usually out in the field 1-2 hours before sunrise trying to find a Tom in the roost and getting him to shock gobble. I like to use a owl or coyote call but have also had them gobble just from the sound of a car door. If they do not shock gobble after initial calling I will use my gobble call, that has worked many times to get them to gobble back. If you get a response from the tom more times than not he will continue to gobble off and on until he flies down from the roost. That will help you close the distance and get set up. Best advice I would have is to get in close but not to close, be patient and do not call to much. It can take time for a gobbler to commit and he may come in quiet so give it sometime. Practice, Practice and Practice some more on your calling, last thing you want to do is mess up a call and blow your shot at filling a tag. Like stated above, make sure you take your gun out and pattern it so you know your effective range. Good luck, our group did not draw this year, bummed!

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Put True Glo turkey sights on your gun. Bright fiber optics that just snap on. Drive round at dusk using a box call for hen sounds and they will gobble to tell the dumb woman to get her butt up in a tree. They will be in the same tree in the morning so get set up before first light. When it's just light enough to see use the box call and he should gobble back. Hold tight and keep quiet for a bit then call again, If he gobbles closer he is on the way and they can cover a lot of ground quick. Have the gun up on your knee and ready to fire when he gets to you. Aim for the head. Fun hunting and good luck.

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Aim for the middle of the neck.  Wish I was going this spring 5 points and no tag.  Hope you get one it is a blast no pun intended lol...

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