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Brand new Galaxy S22

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Brand new in the box. This was for my dad, but he passed last week. He never got it working, as stated brand new in box. 256 gb, black. 



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I do not know the answer to that. I believe you can insert any SIM card into it and be good to go. However, it was purchased through Verizon. 

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I'm sorry for your loss. I remember the difficulties I had.

My father and I used to talk on the phone almost every day. After he passed, I used to start reaching for the phone to call him and then remember he was now with me instead of on the phone. Wasn't the same but I took comfort believing he knew how I was doing at all times. Took me a few years to stop thinking about calling and just accepting he was near.

It's a big change when any close person moves on.

Here's to all of our Dads, Mom's, other relatives and friends. May they always be with us and help us in wonderful ways.

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