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SOLD - Kahles 2-7x36 Helia CL Scope - Price Reduction

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Just pulled this off a rifle I recently purchased, so I have no history with this scope and it doen't fit my current needs.  I will probably regret selling this at some point in the future.  This Kahles Helia has the same German SHOT glass for which all Kahles scopes are famous.  The scope has a 1" tube and is best suited for close to medium range rifle work.  The reticle is the 4A Plex, which is much harder to located than the standard Kahles Plex reticle.  Both the Objective and Ocular lenses are pristine and free from any scratches.    The aluminum scope housing is matte black with a couple of small, but visible scratches in the objective bell finish as well as some slight marring where the rear ring was located.  I have included images of these areas in pics 4 & 5.  I can't think of anything I need at this time as far as trades go - unless you happen to have a TBAC 30 cal. 5/8x24 SR mount hanging around somewhere.  First "I'll Take It" in this thread trumps any emails or PM/DM's regardless of time stamp.  Save those for questions about the scope.  I live in N. Phx/Scottsdale area near 101 Loop, but will to meet in half way in greater Phx area.  Price is $700.  Now $650.







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