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Paso Robles

California Pig Hunting

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Rumor has it that your very own Bullwidgeon and his side kick Goerge are on their way back from the great state of California after a successful few days of hog hunting. Bret "FINALLY" took us up on our offer to come hang out with the cool people and see how we do things out here. Has anyone heard from the little fella? Maybe he's lost and cant find his way back to the land of the cactus.


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We made it back and what a great time. If any of you guys are looking for a top notch hog hunt or turkey adventure for something other than Merriam's, them boys in Paso Robles have it figured out...

Great place, great guys, great food! Here are some pictures from this weekend. Thanks again Jim and see you and Nolan this Winter!!!




And those guys said these were small ones. I would hate to see a big one....


Bret M.


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dang, you would have to have a tractor to get any bigger ones out! Nice Hogs.

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The terrain where you hunted looks like where I shot a feral hog years ago. Is it near San Jose, and was it loaded with black-tailed deer?


The turkeys where I was were Merriams that had been introduced a few years earlier, though, and they were as tame as domestic birds. The state was talking about releasing Tule elk when I was there, and I've since learned that the stocking took place and elk are now being hunted on the ranch where I was.




Bill Quimby

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Congrats on the hogs. Them sure look big to me. Some day when I hit the lottery I'll have to do that. Do you mind sharing what the cost of your hunt cost you? Thanks for sharing the pics. :)



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Bret, Glad you and George made it home safely. It was good to see and we had a great time hanging out with you.



Spanky, I will be heading out that way in late November, my 17 y.o. son drew a 6A bull tag. Bullwidgeon promised Nolan that he would find us a couple of 390ish bulls close to the road with no hunting pressure........what a guy. :rolleyes:



Bill, The area we hunt is just north of Paso Robles in southern Monterey county. The turkeys we have down here are Rio's and yes in the last few years the Tule population has taken off.



tjhunts, We do guide full time out here. Bret's hunt was just couple of buddy's hunting together. A few years ago Bret and his family took us under their wing and helped us out on a jav-a-lino hunt in southern Az.

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Jim - you did not tell me your son drew a tag. congrats. hi to the guys out in cali, the good ones at least! ;)

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Paso Robles: The ranch I hunted in the early 1990s was a co-op with multiple owners that was being managed by one of the original owners, a guy named Brude Eade (I think that's how he spelled it). Have you heard about him or the ranch? It was somewhere between Paso Robles and San Jose. We flew there in a Cessna and landed on a dirt strip on the ranch. The place was loaded with deer and feral hogs.


Bill Quimby

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Hey Chris, good to see your still kickin'. we are really lookin forward to that 6A tag, it will be Nolan's first elk hunt.



Bill, The Eade ranch is just north of San Ardo, I am not sure if they still commercially hunt it or have a hunt club on it now. As the crow flies it cant be more than 15 miles to the ranch where Bret stayed and killed his pigs.

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