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Tree stands?

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Looking at getting a new tree stand, anyone have suggestions? I want something some what light so I can actually pack it a decent distance away from the road.

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Are you looking for a hang on stand or a climber? For the price, comfort, and quality of a climber I would highly recommend an API grand slam. I have tried some of the more expensive ones such as summit and Lone Wolf and even though API's are slightly heavier, they are more comfortable, safer, and easier to use than the competition.


For a hang on stand I would recommend a stand with a back pad and even arm rests. Make sure the platform is large enough to feel safe as well. Comfort is SO important because it will allow you to be motionless and quiet for an all day stand.





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Thought I would bring this back up, I am still interested in getting a new stand and was thinking of august today. I am looking for a hang on stand, not too big on the climbers or having a ladder.

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