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mason a

newly found water soursce

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Last year during our deer hunt , we stumbled across a seap that had lots of water, when the rest of our springs ran dry. this seap is not on any maps, and is not in a drainage.

It filled my 1 gig sd card in about 10 days

approx. 13 different bucks and maybe 30 does , but nothing very big, but it just goes to show you that there is more water sources than what the maps show

sorry so many pictures , as you can see by the dates these are from last year,the one picture has 5 bucks in it , and if you zoom in there is a little spike also

I currently have a camera there with a 4 gig card , i'm hoping to see some growth on some of those bucks

kinda strange not one picture of bears or lions,but one of my other cameras not even a half mile away has more bear and lion pictures than deer pictures so i know they are in the area.

i'm convinced the deer feel more comfortable at seaps than they do in pools of water along along drainages, at least my game cameras tell me so.












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Wow! Looks like you found a great spot. Some decent bucks hope it works out for you and they have some good growth this year.

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You got a good thing going on there. Keep us updated with this years pictures. I would like to see a couple of those bucks this year.(on your camera of course)

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so were did you say that spot was i seem to be missing the GPS cords





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very cool! Thanks for sharing your pics. Gives me hope of finding some new spots.


I hope a few old springs are flowing this year with the better water year



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are you sure there is not a feeder just above camera view???....jeeez...venado gridlock for sure...very nice!!!

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