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Scouting with dog

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I take my dog everywhere with me. She goes with me while I hang cameras and when I go to check them. With that said, does anyone think that domestic dog scent or droppings have an effect on wildlife in or around the area?

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No.. my Heeler is with me every single minute I am in the woods... I worry about my scent on bushes and branches more than anything.

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I too have had my Heeler on every hunt and scouting trip I have been on over the last 15 years, with exception to some of the Archery stalks that have taken place.

Like Coues'n'sheep, I worry more about my own scent. If we happen to be seen, I have had many occasions where animals show curiosity as opposed to fleeing right away.

That dog will get a terrible case of buck fever when she see's big game... funny as heck to see.

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Thanks guys. It is hard to leave the dog at home when I know she would love to see and smell some critters. Her favorite is turkeys! All we need to see now is how to strap your dog into the tree stand with you. Now that would be some good footage.

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