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What a toad.

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Nice buck. Nothing wrong with the arrow left in. Don't question the shot placement so quickly, we weren't there. It could have easily been a follow-up shot.

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Guest akaspecials

Just because it was a successful kill does not mean it’s a good shot to take and brag about. Even under perfect conditions the margin for error is too high for it to be an ethical shot.


You have an area the size of a baseball you have to hit. Anything outside of that and you’ll have a wounded deer on your hands. There are a million reasons out of our control that would take that arrow out of that baseball sized hole: a rogue breeze, a buck jumping the string, a bird squawking and scaring him. Also, there is no exit wound with a frontal shot, making it very hard to track the animal.


There is no room for mistakes with the frontal shot, where as a broadside or quartering away shot offers a lot more wiggle room and less chance of wounding a buck. They also offer exit wounds for easier trailing. I believe that shot is unethical and should almost always be passed and never bragged about. Have a little self control and wait till he turns for a broadside shot. Good decision making, patience, and self control are just as important as accuracy and precision.

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Great buck! And great shot! Don't worry about the people that are putting you down for your shot. They weren't there and don't know exactly what happend. People have lost animals on perfectly broadside animals also. It just happens, and will continue to happen. This is the kind of stuff that keeps people from posting some great animals on these hunting sights, it's sad. Everyone has there right to there opinion but bashing people is just un called for! It irritates the crap out of me! Oh yeah and the arrow in the deer doesn't bother me one bit!

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Nice buck! I wish people would allow you to enjoy your trophy!


I don't agree with the distance on this kill, but here's a video of a frontal shot where the deer drops almost immediately! I don't have a problem with frontal shots, as long as you stay with in your skill set!


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up next: game and fish votes on shoot and release archery hunting, to prevent wounded animals and to counteract "unethical" shot placement. We'll be given rubber tips to put on the end of our arrows, and be graciously allowed to dip them in ink to see if we made a "kill" shot or not. Thus allowing many to enjoy the trophy animal we enjoyed.


The vote will go down 5-0, and officials will text and eat lunch while we protest.


This will be sponsored by SuperSoy Veggie Burgers, and Testrablok, the latest in estrogen therapy for men.

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