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AGFD news Poachers shoot multiple elk near Flagstaff

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I could see an inexperienced hunter being excited and shooting 2 elk. (thinking he missed when he hit one and then shooting another) But 4 elk? That's just wrong!!!!!!!!! Hope they catch them!

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Get a Rope.

This! Preferably along I-17 where we can make an example.

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Get a Rope.

This! Preferably along I-17 where we can make an example.


Couldn't have said it better! I wish they would do things like they did in the old west days....commit a horrific crime and they hang you & put u on public display! Bet it would deter a lot of demented "tards" from doing this crap! On a side note for example....(I know this has nothing to do with poaching elk...and I'm sorry I've had a few beers tonight while discussing that Jared loftner guy) why don't they line that guy up in front of a Abrams tank & pull the trigger while on national tv? Bet that would make the crazys think twice! And save everyone money not having to pay for their dumba$$ while they sit on death row for a decade!

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Get a Rope.

This! Preferably along I-17 where we can make an example.
Couldn't have said it better! I wish they would do things like they did in the old west days....commit a horrific crime and they hang you & put u on public display! Bet it would deter a lot of demented "tards" from doing this crap! On a side note for example....(I know this has nothing to do with poaching elk...and I'm sorry I've had a few beers tonight while discussing that Jared loftner guy) why don't they line that guy up in front of a Abrams tank & pull the trigger while on national tv? Bet that would make the crazys think twice! And save everyone money not having to pay for their dumba$$ while they sit on death row for a decade!

Unfortunately, these people like Laughner are so mentally ill, nothing will help them other than medication or hard core counseling.

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Get a Rope.

This! Preferably along I-17 where we can make an example.
Couldn't have said it better! I wish they would do things like they did in the old west days....commit a horrific crime and they hang you & put u on public display! Bet it would deter a lot of demented "tards" from doing this crap! On a side note for example....(I know this has nothing to do with poaching elk...and I'm sorry I've had a few beers tonight while discussing that Jared loftner guy) why don't they line that guy up in front of a Abrams tank & pull the trigger while on national tv? Bet that would make the crazys think twice! And save everyone money not having to pay for their dumba$$ while they sit on death row for a decade!

Unfortunately, these people like Laughner are so mentally ill, nothing will help them other than medication or hard core counseling.

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When someone is suicidal/homicidal they do not regard the end of their life as a punishment rather than a gift... The deterrence of a death penalty only works on those who still care about life.

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I have heard of cases where multiple big game animals were poached in order to feed many mouths, such as drop houses or other illegal immigrants. NOT saying this is the case, but I can see that poaching of 4 animals could be for such a purpose. Poaching is still poaching, regardless if one or four, and the law should be applied heavily.

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When someone is suicidal/homicidal they do not regard the end of their life as a punishment rather than a gift... The deterrence of a death penalty only works on those who still care about life.


Maybe so.... But I bet the family that lost their 9 year old daughter would be willing to give him that "gift"

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