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remington nylon 66

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selling 2 nylon 66's mohawk brown, new, never shot with original boxes one has paperwork, the other doesn't. the boxes say scope included but there is no scopes not sure what my dad did with them. not sure of the year they were made i'm guessing early '80's still has the smitty's price tags on boxes. can give serial #'s if needed. asking $300 each obo ?









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Thanks for meeting me half way. Now I just need to decide whether I want to preserve or enjoy.


My earliest shooting memories are of using my uncle's Nylon 66, so I have always had a soft spot for them.

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The day I don't check the classifieds and miss out on this! Those guns are awesome! My dad has one and they are really hard to find these days in good shape. Nice snag. If anyone that just bought one happens to change their mind on wanting it just let me know ;) haha

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