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first archery buck!

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Congrats on your first archery buck looks a lot like my first archery buck.

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Great job you now have venison to go with your elk meat

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The story...Me and my little bro whent up to a good little spot at 3am Monday we got there around 5 so we hiked up to a spot to glass from and weghted tell light. I glassed up a herd with two bucks a 2x2 and 3x3 me and my brother mad a stalk and a doe got down wind of us and blew it. We moved on to a new spot and I immediately glassed up a doe with a spike, we continued to Glass until nearly dark when I decided to make a stalk. I stalked into the heart of the herd and Had dies all around

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Does all around, I saw the spike beded up at 52 yards and could only see his head and neck, I put my 50 pin on top of his neck and let it fly I hit right where I intended... He stood up and fell right back down. I cut out his guts threw him over my shoulders for the mile and a half back to the truck!

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