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WTB mag spring M70

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Look at this part number. https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Products/276380D.htm

Also with numrich check back weekly. They get parts all of the time. These are OEM used parts. Have you tried looking at Brownells or midway USA for a new one? I just bought a spring and follower from Numrich for a old pre bankruptcy savage I'm building. It was givin to me and had a cracked stock and missing the magizeen and can't buy magizeens for it. So I'm being a new stock and converting it to bLind mag. I have some experience building old rifles and have met a few people along the way let me see if I can ask around if someone has one.

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Look at this part number. https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Products/276380D.htm

Also with numrich check back weekly. They get parts all of the time. These are OEM used parts. Have you tried looking at Brownells or midway USA for a new one? I just bought a spring and follower from Numrich for a old pre bankruptcy savage I'm building. It was givin to me and had a cracked stock and missing the magizeen and can't buy magizeens for it. So I'm being a new stock and converting it to bLind mag. I have some experience building old rifles and have met a few people along the way let me see if I can ask around if someone has one.

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Thanks for the info, I already have a cheap plastic follower (wanting the original metal one) but the spring is seeming hard to get. I'll keep checking them to see. I've looked at midway and brownells but my only internet access is my phone which is hit or miss sometimes with loading a website.

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