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Gun License/Registration

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You must be talking to one of my family members. They do not listen to reason or recognize the constitution or common sense. "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." ENOUGH SAID. Move to Venezuela if you don't like it. 




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When I have debates about gun control, I usually bring up the fact that street drugs have been illegal decades, but if I wanted to I could get whatever I wanted in 5 minutes on any street corner in the US. Just because there is a law prohibiting the possession of something doesn't mean squat.  More laws won’t solve any problems. (*see the never ending war on drugs)


Guns are here to stay whether legal or not. Libtards need to get used to the idea. 

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1 hour ago, Curtis Reed said:

When I have debates about gun control, I usually bring up the fact that street drugs have been illegal decades, but if I wanted to I could get whatever I wanted in 5 minutes on any street corner in the US. Just because there is a law prohibiting the possession of something doesn't mean squat.  More laws won’t solve any problems. (*see the never ending war on drugs)


Guns are here to stay whether legal or not. Libtards need to get used to the idea. 

These are the people that provide fresh needles to junkies. 

They are better at twisting the legal system than we are. 

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laws do not prohibit CRIMINAL activity nor do restrictions make it more difficult to obtain ANYTHING. Not is today's society.

My favorite question to ask antis is this:

Since you are for criminal's rights, and you are all for making guns illegal to own, once they become illegal will you THEN support my right to own one? Pretty much a discussion ender....lol




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Registration of vehicles is nothing more than them getting into our pockets another way. Basically, a tax.  Why does it cost 400+ dollars for a new car but an old truck is 50 bucks?  Still using the same roads.  

Has nothing to do with being allowed to own the vehicle.  Apples to oranges.


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Gun laws dont stop criminals. Brazil took away firearms from law abiding in 2005 with a population of 4 million when the murder rate was 40,200 now their murder rate is over 60,000 and the new president is giving the law abiding their guns rights back. If they cant keep all the drugs from coming in from mexico how are they going to stop them from bringing in weapons?  A liberal judge in New York gave a criminal who was charged with his third illegal possession of a firearm  homework these are the ones who end up shooting a citizen or an officer, they should have gave him 10 years but instead scream for more gun control. These same polices are want enabled one of the last school shootings. 

If you want to read some excellent studies look up John Lott, he is a criminologist. The state of Florida's crime rate has dropped 60% since 1986, today they have 2 million CCW permit holders, this goes agianst the notion that CCW holders will shoot up the town. Another study of the 22 states that have allowed a weapon (CCW) over the last 10 years shows ZERO shootings. His  studies  may help you arm yourself. 

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Ask him how he plans on getting the felons and criminals to register their guns?  Once he can guarantee that, then you can reconvene the discussion.


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Never argue with a goof, they will pull you down to their level and beat you with experience.  😑

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