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ISO hunting rifle

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Hey all my buddy got drawn for deer for the first time!! He is search of a rifle. He has a budget of 400 bucks he lives in the Phoenix area. Let me know what you have I will get you in contact with him. Thanks. 

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Go buy a Savage Axis. No reason to buy something used when you  can get a new  great accurate rifle in that budget.

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whoa there.  some people are pulling your leg hereabouts.  tell you friend to take a few weeks and i'll pm you some real life shooters.   patience.


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Depends on the scope? Older guys used to hunt fine with a 3x9x32 (or 40). Some Nikon's, Bushnell's, Tasco's, Burris', Weaver's, etc. helped guys take a lot creatures in the day.

Even open sights. My first and only deer to date was taken with open sights using an AK chambered in 223 back in the late 1980's or early 1990's in Utah. Wish I still had that gun!

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