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age old tactics

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 will never forget one evening down in 36a-the last day of the jr deer hunt in 2000. i had parked the truck and sent the kid out with 'last day-don't come back to camp without a buck' and started glassing the hill sides. heard something behind me and turned to find a fellow in all black, web gear, mp5 and a sidearm. identified himself as border patrol, tracked around my truck, when i told him my son was hunting up the draw he said he already knew that, and just as the sun settled behind the baboquivaris' he walked off to the east into a roadless mesquite canyon towards the sierritas....... just then there was the sound of a .257 Roberts going off and had to get busy so did not think about it what with having to get a buck out in the dark.

proving grounds...?  steve and ron and wardlow an a few(lol) other buds..............

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