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About fletch953

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  1. fletch953

    Pack out service unit 1

    Sent you a PM.
  2. fletch953

    Arrow tree

    The tradition since I moved here in 91 was to put an arrow in the tree if you tagged out. I have been to the bottom of that tree and found some really old arrows down there heck of a climb to get out.
  3. fletch953

    Sitting water!

    Thanks AZP&Y!
  4. fletch953

    Sitting water!

    reddog, If you don't mind me asking where exactly did you pick that book up. I went to the AZ game and fish website and could not find anything about a water tank book. Thanks FLETCH953
  5. fletch953

    Az Unit 9 Elk

    Mike, Congrats on your tag and good luck. As far as the broadhead I personally shoot Wasp jak hammers simply because of the thickness of the blade .036 compared to others I have tried. I don't know about the spitfires but I think they are .026. I've had great luck with those heads mentioned above with a bull and a cow hunt complete pass thru on both. Hope this helps. Fletch