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  1. 15 points
    Truck has been recovered. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your help and support. I sure am greatful that I got it back.
  2. 14 points
    9mo later (yes, Troy/Authentic Taxidermy in Chino Valley completed under 9mo!) turned out an absolute picture perfect bugle mount. So happy. I thought this web site’s members would like to see the finished product (except Coues247, who wouldn’t shoot anything under 300” and forgot the pleasure of hunting less than a B&C score 😂 ) I don’t know what this guy measures, don’t really care. We are happy with the take.
  3. 12 points
    Got them in the mail today. Unfortunately no tripod stud yet as outdoorsman won’t ship them till 8/1 so all I could do is hand hold them. They handle about like a 12 NL. I feel like the weight makes them a little more stable to hand hold then the 12’s and a more shaky due to the power. WAY better to hand hold then 15’s. They fit in my stone glacier medium bino harness. A little tight but fit snug. 15’s aren’t even close to fitting in there. I’ll put some pics up. They’re right between 15’s and 12’s on weight. I think they could replace my 15’s, but I won’t be sellling my 12’s for sure as these definitely aren’t a replacement for 12’s. If you can only afford one or the other, buy 12’s. They’re nearly identical dimensions to my EL range TA’s except for better in the bino harness since they’re sleeker and don’t have the big fat bass belly on them like the ranges do. Sorry, can’t speak much to optics on them as I didn’t have them on a tripod.
  4. 12 points
    Last year on my Colorado trip I caught a 26" 10 lb brown trout on the fly, I went back this year thinking I would end up disappointed and never top that fish... but God is good! caught this almost identical 26" 10 lb Rainbow on the fly, 100 ft from where I caught the big brown last year! I need to give full credit to my nephew who is a fly fishing guide in Colorado. If any of you are looking for a great guide and trip, message me and I'll get you in touch with him.
  5. 11 points
    One of the issues that hasn't been discussed in the last few, is 30 dudes on a mountain have a negative impact on other people's hunts, and I dont think that's OK. A spotter sitting on a hill that another hunter with a tag wants to hunt is BS. Now another 29 dudes taking away "spots" from dudes with tags is major BS.
  6. 10 points
    Sold pending funds.
  7. 10 points
    @naturebob thanks for jumping back in man. I just assumed you would be too busy coaching the Olympic basketball team. Another kid got a sheep tag, so you have some work to do around here.
  8. 9 points
  9. 9 points
    Does changing your oil too often hurt the vehicle? Asking for a friend?
  10. 9 points
    My wife’s reaction when I told her I have 4 weeks of hunts this fall
  11. 8 points
    Sold .. To a very good member on here who ask me not to share His name. This was a first for me. I was asking 4800 and He gave me 5200 . Very stand up Guy. Said I was two low on the price. And gave me 400 more. Thanks..
  12. 8 points
    Yep, hunt is ruined. Might as well turn it back in now
  13. 8 points
    Tucson police vehicle recovery team found it at a sh!thole apartment complex this morning. The officer seen a picture of the truck and remembered it. Thank God
  14. 8 points
    I don’t really see the accomplishment in having 1 of 30 friends spot a buck for me to shoot. Maybe it’s just me…. I want to find the area myself, I want to pack in myself, I want to spot the deer myself, I want to stalk and shoot it myself, I want to break down and pack out the deer myself, and I want to process the meat myself. Of course if I’m with my brother or a buddy, we will help each other.To me, that’s what hunting is all about. Those are all aspects of what makes hunting what it is to me, and I take pride in how I go about every aspect. Each of those parts of hunting is equally important to me, and sacrificing any of those to have an army of helpers just to try to make sure I fill the tag, I’d personally feel no satisfaction in hunting that way
  15. 8 points
    Let’s be honest, with the this number of “30” helpers you guys really think 30 guys is a fair chase hunt? Surely you don’t need a precise number in the law book to know your getting an unfair advantage with 30 helpers
  16. 8 points
    antelope 2 helpers Early season elk 1 general season elk 3 general season deer 3 trophy deer season 4 ram season 5 Source: I made it up
  17. 7 points
    OK. I'm not perfect by any means or stretch of the imagination, but is anyone else surprised by the amount of dislike, anger, or just plain nastiness being displayed in this post, and on a Sunday which is considered to be a day for worship and kindness by many Christians throughout the world? Is the stress of politics, finances, etc. affecting us so much that we attack each other on a forum that we profess to have similar interests and goals? Wow guys, let's take a step back and take a breather. Yes the manufacturers say that synthetic oil is good up to 10,000 miles. But what harm to the vehicle occurs if the oil is changed more frequently? How much of the lubrication is lost by 3,000 miles especially in our harsh conditions of excessive heat? Maybe wasted money and may not be. And if the vehicle is priced too high for everyone then it won't sell. But what if it is worth that much to someone? If seller and buyer are happy isn't that a perfect deal? My values may not be the same as others, but does that make others or myself wrong? Should I hold everyone else to my value system? That sounds more like a different form of government than I wish to support. We just finished the 4th of July celebrations. Perhaps trying to remember why and what we celebrated will help us promote a more forgiving environment. Maybe if we put more effort and energy into researching and elected people who best represent what we want then we won't carry so much angst and animosity. I know I need to keep improving and reflecting and I invite you to do the same. Let's try to keep Coueswhitetail a great environment for all with a sincere and positive desire to share and help in hunting and it's natural challenges and rewards. Kindly and sincerely, Russ.
  18. 7 points
    First time I’ve ever heard someone bashing someone else for maintaining at shorter intervals. 😂
  19. 7 points
    Don't have much use arrogant pricks that think they have a priority just because they have a paying client
  20. 7 points
    In 2009 I moved to Payson to start work. I met a gentleman that was 40 years older than I was and we became close friends. I introduced him to a couple of my friends and over the years we have all kept in touch with Royce being the glue that kept us together. A month ago he fell in the shower and broke a couple of ribs, during his recovery and hospital stay is was determined he most likely had lung cancer and passed a couple of weeks ago, just shy of his 86 birthday. Thank you Royce for sharing your life with me and my children and dragging me out to glass for Coues and explore some of your favorite areas. God speed and I hope there is a Tripod and 15s set up in heaven just waiting for you.
  21. 7 points
    Im just mad now I dont have 30 friends to help me on hunts.
  22. 7 points
    Not fair chase
  23. 6 points
    I bought this just before I picked up an 870 16ga on this forum and I’ve decided to keep the 870 just because of its familiarity. Don’t have room for both in the safe so I am letting this one go. The Model 31 was the direct predecessor of the 870 and was a more expensive scattergun for Remington to make. But many of the design elements were retained in the 870. The Model 31 is often considered the smoothest pump ever built. The bluing and finish is in immaculate shape, I can only assume that given its age (late 1930s) it was very professionally refinished at some point. Fixed MOD choke. $550
  24. 6 points
    Good Afternoon, I'm considering retiring and starting a new career. For those who know me, you know I've spent the last 20 years in law enforcement. Over the past 4 years, I've been in a senior management role, supervising a team of over 200 staff members. I'm exploring my options to see what types of jobs are available. I've often been told that I would make a great salesman, so I'm considering a career in sales or another management-style role. If you know of a company looking to hire a highly motivated individual with excellent decision-making and communication skills, I would greatly appreciate any leads. Adam
  25. 6 points
    I do like them arguing about their golf handicap