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About joeeden

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    Advanced Member
  1. joeeden

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Frank Pollard. I have a question for you and Todd. I've heard and read many stories that frankly make Todd look like a crook if you take their account at face value. If I were made aware of someone making these kind of accusations about my business I would address it at every opportunity to share my side of the story. I believe any honest ethical person would do the same. It simply does not add up that you never hear his side of the story. There is no possible way I would ask a friend of mine to defend me on a forum like this one, or anywhere. Unless I had something to hide. It's inconceivable that a reputable businessman in good standing with his clientele would allow "slander" or "libel" to continue in this way. His reputation as a business owner is at stake. Certainly he can clear the air and explain what happened. Especially if he did nothing wrong. Can you not understand that anyone doing a simple google search would determine the guy has a lot of people pissed off at him? Why are they all pissed Frank?
  2. joeeden

    How do you hunt the Kaibab?

    There's also nothing wrong with pursuing a big buck. It's just like shooting a little one, except it's better.
  3. joeeden

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    bigorange, why wouldn't you just purchase a duplicate tag for $4? or whatever they cost. I should know how much they cost, I've bought one or two.
  4. Hi Amanda, I will take one of them if one is still available. I can pay via paypal or check or whatever is most convenient.
  5. joeeden

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    Whichever one you buy, the +20 rule that was mentioned is a good rule. If it's rated for zero, don't plan on being warm if it's zero!
  6. That has to be the cleanest 9 year old quad ever. Wish I had the cash.
  7. joeeden

    Black River Closure

    Yeah they update that site every 3 years whether it needs it or not.
  8. joeeden

    End of the drones

    There's a huge f$#$^&& difference! Strapping a camera to a tree on a trail or flying a camera all over the mountain looking for game, not much of a difference?!! I really hope you're kidding.
  9. joeeden

    Left handed Mathews creed.

    what's the draw length and where are you located?
  10. joeeden

    My Brothers way of capturing turkey hunting memories

    That is really really nice! Now we just need to shoot some birds!
  11. joeeden

    Which December tag?

    I use hunterstrailhead.com. It's about $25.00 per year for the subscription. A forum member did the math himself and helped out a lot of folks on here with draw odds. That's both very impressive and gracious! hunterstrailhead has the math done for guys like me with less time and less brains.
  12. joeeden

    Which December tag?

    Ok. You can figure out exactly how much difference it makes on any hunt in the state. It is not subjective. The only variable would be more or fewer applicants in the new year compared to years prior. It is your luck of the draw. More points gets you more chances but that's it. I have horrible luck so I have to wait until I'm max points it seems.
  13. joeeden

    Which December tag?

    Bonus points are not a crock. Aside from being in the max point pool for a hunt, each bonus point is like a raffle ticket. Just because I have more tickets than you do, doesn't mean you won't draw while I stay home. What do you mean a crock? Its not perfect but its obviously very misunderstood
  14. joeeden

    .270 ammo recommendations

    +1 on the Hornady's SST. I have shot a few deer with this round and was very impressed. Having said that, I would recommend buying a few different ones Federal, Hornady, Fusion and see which ones hold the tightest groups with the same gr. weight. Every gun is different.
  15. joeeden

    Stolen Bow update- got the bastards

    Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately your auto insurance will not cover the bow or any stolen items. Your home policy will, but subject to the deductible unless you scheduled it. I hope the scumbag gets caught trying to sell it.