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Everything posted by az4life

  1. I got it too, and it's obvious he had a "LAWYAH" help him write it. Trying to set the record straight huh? Well I think we have a pretty clear picture. Anyway I try to find the good in everything. It was REALLY tough on this case but when Life hands you lemons, make lemonade... Applying the same logic to this rhetoric, It was not all Bad. I printed it out and ran it through the paper shredder. I plan to spread it around real thin on my yard because anything as full of Manure as this was is surely going to be great fertilizer. Gotta say he has nerve, but we knew that since he filed the darn suit anyway. I wonder if WE have had an impact with all the letters to sponsors and general havoc he must have been getting as fallout. Could not happen to a more deserving guy as far as I'm concerned.
  2. az4life

    More Trouble Brewing

    Muskrat Thanks for the information! It is a good heads up to what could happen before long if things go wrong for the state sportsmen. I hunted in Wyo last year and it was terrible for figuring out where you can hunt, whose land it was, getting permission to cross the land and get to state land. In one case we could not even get to state land due to private ranches land locking the average hunters. Funny thing is these Ranches were owned in large part by corporations that jointly land lock the state land and give the hunting priviliges to big cat executives and theri friends and co-horts. Corporate Names Like Dupont and Coca Cola to name 2. Hate to see AZ head that way, and if it is incompetence on the AZGFD board, we need a change. 2 of these sort of legal things in a short time? Gotta Wonder?
  3. az4life

    More Trouble Brewing

    I am not saying it is true or false, but taken on face value I have afew observations. I glanced at the Bowsite page but saw nothing about this. Interesting it does not refer to who the letter is from. It seems unlikely that all of these ranches would have the same "no name" representative. I do not see any effective date of the alleged closures. No legal description of the subject property(s). Several obvious misspellings also. If it is true, I hope the AZGFD works out the details. Lots of state land here but being landlocked by private ranches would make it better for the USO groups to fly in and hunt.
  4. az4life

    Getting my Feet Muddy

    AZGFD also has basic info on game in each unit to give you a start. Some write ups are pretty specific so they tend to be full of other new to coues hunters. aside from specifics, This forum can be a wealth of general coues knowledge, so be sure to browse and read lots of the posts and you will be wll ahead of the newbie curve. Welcome to CWD
  5. az4life

    Left-over Tags

    A few left, but nothing like the good old days when you could have hundreds of tags leftover after first draw. At least I can still hope for next year.
  6. az4life

    unit 31

    Josh has a couple Coues deer video clips and tons of great antler sheds on his website too, just to wet your appetite!
  7. az4life

    Residents vs. Non-Residents

    Well the gist of this thread agian seems to show we are a pretty good lot of sportsmen. Not sure what Silenthunter686 is trying to say, but everyone else is on target. I think many NGs are full of people that want to come off real tough and unaproachable, but not here on CWD I generally try to get someplace that I won't run into too many other hunters, and when I do see them, I give them some sort of a wave to let them know I am not target for them to look at through their scope. If they come over, quietly, a short chat is reasonable too. 43yrs plus as a native Arizonan also and in about 30 plus years of hunting I still find it hard to tell for sure if a hunter is a Resident or non Resident. (except for the dude I ran into a few years ago) I cannot tell where anyone is from until we talk. By that time we usually find something in common to bridge the NR or R gap. That said... It is Annoying as a hangnail when someone carelessly blazes through your area and then wants to sit and chat and glass with you for a couple hours. If they cannot take the hints, I think I might get a little rude at that point and ask them to move on, or maye go to another spot myself. I would help most people in emergency or breakdown situations and even with questions or advice, but some folks ATTITUDE could get them More help than others. Simple etiquette and attitude, not of their point of origin can go a long ways.
  8. az4life

    Is it just me?

    Looks like I am showing up a bit late for this topic, but Everyone has pretty much covered what I wanted to say. I did note a LOT of Guilt flowing through the thread though. Seems like we all have a collective concience and will at least be a bit more aware of the consequences of what we post and what we ask for. Rule of thimb: Generalities are good to get someone started or alert everyone to safety issues or total wastes of time, but since this group is widely recognized and praised for being helpful I do not think it should change much. "Pay it forward" is the way I look at it. Cha Ching... Another .02 in the till.
  9. I do not see evidence it spooks most game. I have several occasions where the deer is looking right at the camera, hears it and or see's the flash and comes up to check it out. they sometimes blow through half a roll of film till they move off. Never seen a coues with tail up in the photos either! Personally, I think the noise is more likely to spook them so I muffle it as good as possible.
  10. az4life

    Email response From Primos

    Keep those emails to the other sponsors going! We have found a way into the USO stronghold!
  11. Tam Thanks for the tips. It is good to keep in mind, especially during the early seasons. Overall, I have generally seem more deer in the mid day as well. Rarely when I am out hunting are there any shots heard from surrounding areas until mid morning either. Game pics I have from later in the year ( not around water) do show more like 50/50 or 60/40 activity day and night, but this is usually after early seasons and approaching the Dec hunts. Thanks again!
  12. az4life

    Unit 21- AntlerBoy!!

    Josh Great site! and I see why everyone seems to pay attention to your words of wisdom. All those sheds are awesome. I suppose you do have to spend a lot of time in the field to find that many sheds. Nice videos too! If I find anyone who needs a good guided hunt, You are on the top of my recommend list! Later
  13. Even if I did not get drawn... At least one prayer is answered... that case of dissentary is gone.
  14. az4life

    A new rule idea for Arizona

    Great posts, and good plan Muskrat. At least make the effort to lobby the AZGFD on behalf of state hunters and sportsmen (Sportswomen too)
  15. Amanda Thanks I am using a simple photo editor and it has a funky resize feature. I tried to put size tags in another post, but the coed iw not allowed. I did re-size the 2 large ones and thought they would be updated here once I made the change on my server, but no apparent changes. I wonder if the board copies the photos using the IMG insert button, so I don't have to keep the photo on a server and any changes I make to the server copy do not show up? Let me know. I will wait to hear from you before I mess this thread up worse. I thought I saw a thread on posting photos, but cannot seem to bring it up with the search function. I would guess this is a fairly common question and subject to the administrator, so if you have a basic pre-loaded set of instructions I would appeciate it. Thanks
  16. First try to post some pictures. Lets See how it goes Nice buck walked by camera at night and acouple does to go along. OK... My pics seem a bit large so I will try to resize tomorrow. Too late to fool with it....
  17. az4life

    7/19 Judge rules AZ must fix now

    I completely agree that it is going to be tougher for folks drawn in one of the "bonus tag" hunt areas to get trophy deer and elk. It will likely take a couple years to gain back the Game we will lose. What we have lost in terms of the "Big Picture" is in-calculable. This ruling has delt a major blow to hunting. I just pray the 10th circuit court finds for Wyo in theri case. Then we may have a shot at over-turning with the Supreme court.
  18. KGAINES Here Here to your 7-19 post! You hit that one right on the head!
  19. az4life

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    usafr Is that THE CHUCK YEAGER ? If that is the case I would give up my tag to meet that man. OOPS... I don't have a tag to give up
  20. az4life

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    I did notice that no one named Taulman or Montoya drew on the EXTRA tags either!
  21. az4life

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    Not a tag in the cards for me this year Congrats and Good Luck to all who did draw. I might have to think more about archery. Maybe a last minute trip to Wyo if I can get an OTC lope tag? Amanda, Congrats on the 6a north Elk Tag!
  22. I wonder how many of those "Additional" tags are going to USO hunters? Taulman and Montoya's complaints and junk suit has benefited a lot of hunters Only at first glance. I think the #s being pushed around are somewhat deceiving. Lets review: The 805 extra tags while affecting 42 elk hunt units and 9 deer hunt units average out to about an extra 16 hunters per hunt unit. Doesn't sound so bad, but These are only Averages! My guess is that the greatest impact will be to a small # of hunt units that will be hit HARD with the Extra hunters. Sure the average may come out to 16 but I bet quite a few of those units are only impacted with 1 or 2 extra hunters. Averages tell you that if several units are impacted with low #s, then other units (prime units) are much harder hit. So anyone who FAIRLY drew a tag in one of the affected units will have much more hunt pressure to deal with. It is unfortunate that a real trophy unit may have been fairly drawn by someone and now they have all the extra pressure and competition to deal with. Best solution in a bad situation? Maybe, or maybe not! I definitely want to see the specific unit impact if possible.
  23. I was just wondering if anyone else from this group went to the meeting tday? I had to leave just as the last public comment was taking place. I did not get to hear what transpired after the commissioners met in exec session or what they said before going into private. I did read the notice on the AZGFD site, but wonder if it overlooked something important. Comments....
  24. az4life

    Attendees at the 7-16 Meeting

    Allen Agreed, We all need to send our thoughts on the subject to the AZGFD so they have the most possible input on the matter before the conference call with Broomfield. I didn't speak during the meeting since there were so many others with the blue slips. Once they started talking, I was really surprised at the speakers who were lacking clear points and communication skills. When I address a group like that I prepare notes and review the points I wish to make. In this case I was unsure if the public would be allowed to speak so I was not fully prepared. I had to leave as a 2.5 hour lunch was all I could do. How long did the meeting go til?
  25. az4life

    Coming up for air

    Mike I agree and felt some disappointment that these folks were the ones that the commissioners will remember, and for the wrong reasons. I sat next to the podium and had a clear view of the facial expressions and reactions the commissioners gave when everyone was speaking. Although a fair amount had decent points and good speaking presence, there were quite a few that could have fit right in with a Jef Foxworthy skit if they were given a "sign". GreyGhost I also agree that the AZ residents should not give up more for the sake of equality with non residents. The Commission has been dealing with a lot more than this one issue though. None of us like the problem we are facing, but if the commission was all bad, we would likely be in a lot worse condition. I will support them since changing boats in midstream is not usually wise. thanks all!