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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    Wyoming Deer and Antelope

    If any of you get drawn for the S/E part of the state, let me know. I may be able to help with some open areas or some private with small trespass fees. Got lots of lopes to put down here.
  2. az4life

    R.I.P. Fess

    wow, i too loved them shows and I never knew what happend to him after they ended. Sounds like he had a great life, which is appropriate since he gave so many others joy in the roles he played. RIP Sir.
  3. az4life

    Got a new dog from the pound yesterday

    Here's a few thoughts Amanda. Hannah, or Sasha if Tikka is not the winner. Maybe Rayne, if she stays wet for a week after washing Sort of looking for a name that works with Julie so she learns the difference... Good Luck!
  4. az4life

    Tax Season

    Oh yeah, taxes are wonderful. With Oba-massacre the government is now going to take control of at least 20% of the entire US economy because they can manage your health care it better than free enterprise. Pray for Obama to get a soul, and the congress to get a Brain, Just one brain between them all would see the evil in the socialism coming our way. Sorry to jack the thread but I just lost 40% of a bonus to Omabaturd and his IRS in addition to paying taxes a few weeks ago!
  5. az4life

    How many zeros in a billion?

    The ink is not even dry on the government using "Billions" and now we are hearing "Trillions" That is 1000 times more than a Billion. Sad but true that these hacks in government were sent there by the people. The people will find out that they can't be trusted but it is already too late. Government health care is the next major step to socialist living and I pray it is stopped this week.
  6. az4life

    Lost a member of my pack

    Amanda So sorry for your loss. I've been traveling a bit and not able to check in to CWT as often as I like to. I sure hate to hear of the loss of one's pet/friend but love the stories at the same time. I hope you find another winner soon to help you remember her, and yet forget the loss.
  7. az4life

    Our pres

    So many American Lemmings just do not want to hear this and the media won't report it so he got elected... He sees the tide is turning and now he is starting to fertilize the ground again with centrist promises to keep him in office. It will be a tough road but regardless, the damage this socialist has done to our country will likely never be undone. BO may go down in history as the turning point to socialism. Sounds bad to me but I bet her relishes the thought.
  8. az4life

    Tea Party

    I've heard libs say so many false things about the Tea Party supporters you know it has to be on target with what is needed and what is right financially and morally. As for Tea Partyers, they don't want a 3rd party, but rather want to take back the republican party to conservative roots. I'm behind them!
  9. az4life

    This made me laugh

    I just wish they'd Blow up with each other in Iraq
  10. az4life

    Michelle Obama

    Obama is the most self centered elitist socialist president ever. Oh yeah, he is the first Black President of the US. History in the making!
  11. az4life

    For Butters

    Dang funny, You'all have more snow than we have in WYO, Colorado and Nebraska around the 4-7K elevation. Pretty and strange
  12. az4life

    Sign her up for the NFL!!

    Now we know what they mean about living a dogs life.... Sign me up!
  13. Politicians see that $10 Million as free money. I have to wonder if it was not written in the fund that it could not be used for anything other than HF directives. Top Dems today are saying "the only way out of the financial crisis is to spend our way out". I guess it's above my intellect but it seems more like throwing water on a drowning man, or maybe more like giving a morbidly obese person a 12 course meal and 6 different kinds of dessert. Or finally giving a poser drunk leader of the house of representatives free access to a military jet and anything or anyone she wants to bring on it whenever she wants to. Power drunk witch...
  14. az4life

    Havalon Knives - Check these out!

    Love those sharp edges. I started using a Z Blade Disposable Caping knife which is a smaller blade in a disposable knife for about 6-8 bucks. Lightweight and It comes in bright colors so you can't lose it very easily. Dressed, and Skinned 2 antelope and mine is still pretty darn sharp. No replacement blades so just toss it when it dulls. Love those sharp edges!
  15. az4life

    The Warrior Song

    Tellin it true! Great stuff!
  16. az4life

    We the People

    Well said. Unfortunately the "dukes and Duchesses" have shown they don't care and do what they want, not what the people want.
  17. az4life

    Antelope Hunting in Wyoming

    places around cheyenne are possible but much is private. You should download a map from Wyoming game and fish that shows the public, BLM and Walk In areas open to hunting. I'd suggest contacting the GF area office as well for info on open areas and those that ranchers will open up to hunters for a small trespass fee.
  18. az4life

    A Cross in the desert...

    ACLU is a communist wing of the democratinc party. ACLU offends me so I think they should be outlawed....
  19. az4life

    Obama's Speech

    The dictator in chief will not rest until socialism is welcomed by all. I'm still praying for him on his first promise in the White house.... To find a church for him and his family. He has not even been to one yet that has been reported!
  20. az4life

    Ever Hate a Dear Friend.

    Sweeeet deal. Enjoy! Videographer lesson #1 Be sure you take the lens cap off the camera Lesson #2 Back up files 2 ways, Media files corrupt so take extra and double backup everything!
  21. az4life

    good luck everyone movin to montana

    Winters are tough at times but after 1-2, they are not so bad. Warm clothes and wool socks are the ticket! Mid 40's on a day like today and everyone is in shortsleeves and you never have to worry about 100 plus temps for 4-5 months of the year.
  22. az4life


    Just plain impressive and beautiful pictures Doug. If you spent all day, I say it was worth that at least! Thanks for sharing those shots.
  23. az4life

    THE STORM!!!!

    White and wet, man that don't look like AZ! We can all be thankful for global warming right about now!
  24. az4life

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    Love that last one! Night hog control!
  25. az4life


    What a buck! I could look another 30 years and not find one like that!