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Posts posted by az4life

  1. Another way the libs are backdooring to get the end result they want. Gov't payments to allow them to sue to take away individual rights. Heck they are simply on the federal payroll any way you slice it.


    Don't look now but with the current administration, federal socialism may be out of the closet, but it has been edging in for years through loopholes, hidden tricks and sweetheart deals for years.

  2. I live in eastern Wyoming and yes the goats are plentiful. In the early part of the season they are more huntable. The bucks are maybe a 1-10 or 15 ratio and smaller satellite bucks often near the heards. I've not hunted near lander but have heard they are plentiful. As everyone says there are a lot more private lands in Wy and there are a lot of smaller BLM and state lands spotted in and around them. A lot of these are viewable in online maps. You may try the Gas Hills area outside casper. The area is smelly, but most landowners will let you hunt and there are very few hunters as the area is huge with easy access.


    If you need more info, PM me with specifics and I'll see what I can do.

  3. Gotta say, I don't miss that part of AZ. I hated those nightmares when I lived in Peoria, Mesa, Phx, AJ, and they all had that problem that you could not leave a garage door open or vehicle unlocked or anything in the front yard if you wanted to keep it.


    I don't worry bout that here. Almost everyone knows everyone and if you poke your nose where it don't belong, you have a 80% chance someone going by will be carrying and not afraid to show you the business end of justice.


    Happy New Year



  4. Glad all turned out well for Savannah on the hunt and a nice buck is an understatement.

    "A" for effort with her trials but this assault is unacceptable in the civilized world. When Skippy pushed to put in his beloved Trolly, one of the things he said was crime would not happen on it. Another promise he could not keep that was believed by the lemmings.

    Sounds like AZGFD and Tempe PD need to cooperate and lobby for predator tags for scumbags on the tempe trolly.

  5. The first deer I shot was processed commercially but no more. Do it all and nto that I'm great at it but it's the best way to assure you get your meat and it is cared for like you are going to eat it.


    Got a good grinder a year ago and wish I had done that a long time back. Super cool to grind up 30 lbs in less than 10 minutes.

    If you pay to have that done buy a good grinder and save the money after 2-3 times you are ahead of the game!

  6. Agreed TLH,


    Mike Kennedy was a really great guy. As has been said he always had a smile a great attitude and was all about people. He loved his family and his work. When we talked last, about a month ago, he was as passionate about life as anyone could be. I only knew him for a couple years but and am going to miss his bigger than life presence, clarity and good attitude. He showed caring for those around him more than for himself.


    I'm sure his wife, and 2 daughters are missing "The Big Guy" the most and my prayers have been with them since I heard the sad and surprising news on Thursday. I trust the Lord has him now and you can bet his knees are not a problem there.


    Things like this can happen to anyone and they do naturally bring you face to face with your own mortality. While you might be thinking, about your own mortality right now, please take a few moments and say a prayer, for Mike, His Family and also your own soul so you can be sure of your eternal destiny as Mike was. If you've never done this, it will be the best present you could give yourself. This is the real truth about Christmas.


    Rest in Peace Mike, You will be missed



  7. Dang it's cold around here. We ain't seen the north side of freezing since last Wednesday and looks like it will be at least Friday before we break the freezing mark now.

    Below zero is every night and breaking 10 above is what we been hoping for for a few days now.


    Sure wish those experts in copenhagen would send some of that global warming stuff to the American heartland! :angry:


    By the way, if it ever comes up I can confirm that clutch fluid turns to slush at 5 degrees.
