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Posts posted by az4life

  1. Disrespectful!


    That 370H-SSV just won the Nobel Peace Prize with only 11 days in office to base their decision on.

    He must be doing something right!


    Yeah, right! Even his press people asked if it was April 1st cause they thought it was a Joke.


    As Lark would say, If you voted for this joke 370H-SSV you need to punch yourself in the mouth every day!

  2. I tagged out on my buck with this little guy Saturday about 15 miles from home. After helping my father in law fill his first hunting tag in 15+ years last weekend, I went out about 8:30 and got on a great buck just over the huntable fenceline. Watched him follow that line for over an hour and as he was looking like he was going to cross over I look back a the cows I've been hearing and see about 30 of them have my truck surrounded and are rubbing and licking it. I guess they thought it was a sweet ride? :lol:


    Anyway I shoo them off and they make me move the truck and my setup to a different vantage point away from the cows, and as I'm heading that way I see a buck up on a hill about 250 away. This is a much more likely shot than the 600+ I thought the big one may or may not present so I decided to take the meat in the freezer. I stop and shut off the truck put the clip in the rifle and carefully crawl behind the bumper and take a shot as he starts to run. Not a great shot but he is down and back up as I got closer so one more running shot and it's done.

    Anyway, one doe tag left but Winter is coming to Wyoming and I have some home things to do before snowfall then hopefully tag an elk later this month. Then I can go fill that doe tag...




  3. Elk hunting last year, I had a group of 5-6 of us in the same camp all over an area. Near enough for radio checks. We decided to meet up for lunch after seeing nothing and investigate some shooting we were hearing.

    After a 90 minute hike we get to a road and hear another shot real close. We walk a bit and find 4 yahoos target shooting.

    Well we line up our exit and after 2 guys let out bugles 3 of us pop of shots and yell "You got Him"


    We hoof it over the hill and these yahoos come up the road to about where we shot and our radios crackle with

    "Hey dave, Was that you?"

    One of our guys calls back

    "Joe is that, you? yeah, it was me..."

    Silence for a minute and Joe answers "where are you" -

    Oh I got a big bull down in this canyon about 1/2 mile up the road, You got a knife and some rope?"

    Joe says . " No I don't, where are yours"

    I lost em"

    Joe says I guess I can hike back to camp and get some..

    Okay, Hurry up though


    Now the funny part is that Joe actually was the guys name!

    Anyway, about 30 minutes later as we are still hiking out, we call out to Joe and ask where he is.


    Joe, Are you about here. I need that rope and knife.

    Joe says, "almost to the top of the canyon Where are you"


    I'm almost to the bottom of the canyon, Hey, Do you have any toilet paper?


    Joe says, "naw, I don't... But I got the knife.."

    "Joe, I REALLY Need some toilet Paper"


    Joe says "Are you sure you can't wait?"

    "No way man, I really gotta have some toilet paper."


    "Okay, I'll go back to camp and bring some."


    We laughed so hard we forgot all about the bad hunting day....


    I think I'm going to buys some Obama, rainbow "I Love Cowboy" stickers for this year...

    Simple and if placed correctly could be the gift that keeps on giving...

  4. I agree it sounds like a bad experience with the G&F and if you could have given him something like 6x7 and 325-340 and right side was .... I would have thought he should have given the benefit of the doubt. The AZ G&F lost me years ago and I'd bet many others before and since. I'm sure there are some good ones too.

    As for the bonehead taking a shot at something he thought was an elk, he should have learned a major lesson and if he has any self respect he will think twice about better target identification.

    Stay safe!

  5. Been there done that... It is not fun. Had a nice antelope in my sights about 350yds this morning and just as I am about to shoot, a pheasant busts out from the brush about 3 feet from me , and BOOM I touched the shot and missed. Then 4 more running shots in vain. Try again later I guess.


    I do have to ask how you could see the bull was in the 340 class but you could not describe it?

  6. Joe Wilson did what so many other Americans with any sense did or want to do.


    I was on the way home from work as the speech was airing and I did not hear Mr Wilson but That may have been because I too was yelling at the lies BO was spewing. Yes, Lies... He conveniently tells the tale but leaves out the critical parts and only feeds the parts of truth that incite liberals and hammer home a few points. But like building a house, if you only hammer home a few of the nails, and leave the others untouched, the project will crumble.


    BO either has no clue what he is doing or he is masterfully pushing this country to his socialist standards. Either way is not good for the United States of America and her legal Citizens

  7. Beck's message is true as are his intentions (I believe) but emphasized with drama a bit more than my liking. Fact is in this instant gratification world without the drama, a lot of people won't listen.

    I can listen to him for an hour or so at a time and ususually get the message in 1/4 of that time.


    Rush's presentation on the other hand is too pompous to take for more than 15 minutes at a time while I agree with most of his assertions as well.



  8. I saw a story a few weeks ago about a Boxer dog, about 8 months old that ate a comb. They knew something was wrong with the dog, took it to a vet and by the time they x-ray they see the teeth end of the comb in the stomach but the long handle pointy end was poked through the stomach, tore up a lung and was protruding out it's side.

    The vet had to cut the comb and pull one part out the left side and one part out the right side.

    The story said dogs at 5-9 months old will eat anything they can get at so you gotta watch them all the time.

    But a freaking stylist comb, in one piece? A Bread Bag? Makes me wonder it I actually lost that set of car keys?

    Any teachers out there? When the kid says My dog ate my homework, ask how old the dog is!

  9. Nice post

    5 years ago in 5B I was sitting on a rock eating and about 30 yards a way I saw a deer running my way once it reached 20 yards away I could see that it was chasing a coyote the chase came as close as 10 yards away

    Two years ago in 36c I glassed up a MNT lion come down from the top of Diablo with a fawn in its mouth great show


    Interesting... had a similar deal about 30 yrs ago in 4b (Dang it HURTs to say 30 yrs...) I saw a doe chasing a yote and since I had seen nothing all day I popped the yote from about 300 yds across the canyon. the doe stopped and looked around, went over and sort of pawed at the yote, sniffed it and trotted back the way she came. Yote pelts were about $20 back then and It was not worth the work I found out after the hike!


    Lots of similar experiences to what you guys have said (Fighter jets blasting through canyons past me before the sound hits, Truck down a mine shaft, A lion stalk me within 10 ft, but one more...)


    Hunting in an area overlooking the silver king mine north of superior, we heard someone yelling jibberish and we Glass up this guy (nicknamed him Crazy Larry) come out of his trailer at the mine, with his pants down around his ankles Laughing his head off. He was so loud and happy and doing a little shuffle around the front of the trailer with his pants around his ankles.


