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Posts posted by az4life

  1. Chris MAttehews is a moronic liberal who fears anyone with a gun and a will to protect freedom. He got both in this guy so he was totally flipped out. Media is picking up on this now to try to pull attenion away from the Bull Squeeze BO is pushing. They are also now saying BO is about to get whacked by some Hate group.

    Diversion tactics.


    Now reported today that Dems are emplying 2 major ad aencies to "sell" this bull squeeze to us.

    Diversionary tactics.. Keep after your reps...


    If this gets passed I predict.

    No changes until late 2012 or 2013 `- The Dems want it but also want their guy in the White House next term so they won't show the effects until after the 2012 election.


    By then we are too far gone to ever pull back from socialism.


  2. Mike


    I'd suggest you join and check out "linked-in".com if you are not already a member. I know several people who have found positions though this networking website.

    Search the groups for your area of expertise and you may just find an open position in your area.


    Good Luck


  3. Something else "fishy" about this hole bill.


    Anyone recall how it took B O something like 6 months to pick a dog for his kids?

    Yet he and his team of moonbat wailing socialist congressional reps can come up with a complete overhaul of the best health care system in the world in just a few weeks without even reading all the various details???





  4. You have it "Dead on".


    Just think about these few points.

    If you were a team owner, planning to go the the superbowl, wouldn't you want to get a team with proven performance and experience to get you there?


    Insurance and health care are quite similar.

    WE are all owners and we want to make the system better so we have our government interviewing with us to lead our team.


    Let's look at the government experience.


    Health care -

    Our government has experience with similar programs for many years . VA, Medicare and Medicaid manage Huge amounts of money and millions of people are cared for with these programs . Quality and expediency of care are rated poor by most and the budgets are so far blown that VA and Medicaid ration care and continue to blow their budgets with no change in sight. Insolvency in 3-7 years is predicted.


    Other programs experience-

    Nearly every program or project comes in way over budget. Can't find evidence of any recently on or under budget and many are 2-3 times over.


    Recent activity - Cash for Cars had a budget for 3-4 months which was blown in 4 days. The answer is to pump in more money. 3 times more than the whole budget was originally planned!


    Oh yeah, I think I want this team to take care of my health care! I have faith in the government's fiscal responsibility, ability to budget accurately and plan using due diligence and encourage freedom and free enterprise spirit. You've got to be kidding.


    If you think Government run health care is going to be good, Go punch yourself in the face a hundred times cause you need some sense knocked into you. Do it soon though cause you won't get urgent care when the rationing starts!


    Think about it... What has the government done right lately?

  5. Lots of great ideas here, some of which will be on my next elk hunt.


    The first night after camp set up the Grocery or deli chicken is on the menu. I have always hunted hard in day so dinners have been lower on the priority. Subsequent nights have been filled with lots of canned Ravioli, Chilli or, Spagetti-os with at one night in the middle of the hunt dedicated to a town dinner. Drive to get ice and any other essentials and have a good sit down dinner in the process. Scrambled eggs, bacon sausage, salsa & variety of seasonings make up the breakfast burritos for lunch or dinner. Fast and little cleanup. I think I'm going to make these in advance now and re-heat them. Might even try to backpack a burrito.


    AM has always been fruit and breakfast bars. Instant breakfast shakes, when possible. In the past the day pack held premade sandwiches the night before but The pouch tuna and chicken makes the sandwich a lot fresher and easily packed. Using large dinner rolls, or sub rolls makes the sandwich hold up a lot better in the pack so that will stay part of the routine.

    The first one to tag out means backstrap is on the menu. I usually plan the meal count before leaving but ALWAYS have more than I need. May have to add the Ribeye one night and take more ice to begin with...


    Thanks for the ideas and keep them coming.



  6. G&F probably has some statistics they tout when they say they have "created" more opportunity for hunters.

    Pumping more tags in units is just like stuffing the ballot box and Libs know all about that!


    The anti's will likely latch on and use this fact as the public is turning away from hunting since there are more leftover tags.


    AGFD says one thing and does another too often. They don't seem to remember what they are supposed to be doing, managing the wildlife resources...

  7. Ego is a lot to this socialist. He blew up in the meeting last week saying the blue dog dems were going to ruin his presidency. He comes back and says it is not about him.


    He has a disease of the mind known as liberalism. Combine that with his desire to make his mark and change America, his obvious sympathy toward muslims radicals, his apparent disapproval of Isarel, and his Approval of Iran, N Korea since he is a pacifist with no backbone, (Joe Biden said one thing we can believe... his mettle will be tested, it has and it did not show up on the xray) We will have a long hard fight to gain back the country he has spent away. The best we can do is to get some dems out and conservatives in to head off the last of his spending spree. then hope we get him out in 3.5 more years.


  8. Coati's are some strange critters for sure. The first time I saw them I had no clue what they were and when I tried to describe them to my hunting partner they had already dropped out of sight over the next ridge. He thought I was smoking something and laughed at what I said I saw. There was about 50-75 of them moving across the hillside parallel to where I was watching a bedded deer. I counted 50 and know there were more as they were moving and hard to tally, Their tails that look like black canes moving along caught my eye and I tried to figure out what they were.


    Well after he got his laughs I took off over a ridge the way they came from to watch another canyon. On my hike back I heard something almost barking as I moved along the trail. I followed the sound and saw the movement up a tree. This darn critter was running up and down the tree staring at me and barking while it slapped at the tree bark ripping chunks off with it's front feet.


    I had no clue what it was still but described it as a part monkey, badger, coon, possum. and it was p'o'd. I got back to find my partner napping and told him what I saw and he did not believe me again and wanted to see it. We hiked back to where it was and it was gone. Again he thinks I'm nuts or high on something...


    we ran into a warden a day or 2 later and I asked him and found out what these things were. He said it was rare to see them that far north, (I was in 24b, near fortuna mine) and he said they were more common farther south but that big a pack was something rare anywhere.


    I saw packs of 30-50 in the same area about every 2-3 years after that and did manage to shoot one but it was unretrievable. When the shot hit him, he flipped a 360 mid air and then barrel rolled 400 feet down the steep hilside.


    Anyway, when someone asks you to pick an animal for 20 questions, and they try to guess what you are thinking of, I always choose Coatis and they never guess.



  9. You guys are all forgetting, the cameras are putting America to work. They support all the camera makers, the installers, the court personnel, the judges the officers, the gimmick salesman who sell radar detectors, special license place covers, etc, the consultants, Lawyahs, and so on. Increased numbers of these cameras are part of the nanny state plan.

    Big Bother, Mother or that wacko uncle Barack, they all are just taking care of this country so we don't go down the tubes like Russia did..

    ;) :ph34r:

  10. Sounds like a good plan to me


    In a few years when the game populations explode and the animals start dying due to starvation, the legislature will see the error of their ways. In their infinite wisdom they will raise the license fees further so they can use the money to hire "professionals" to undertake depredation game reductions o protect the environment.


    If everyone would just relax and not fight this, we'll see shortly that Government has us all taken care of. :o :o

  11. Nathan,


    Great buck! Congrats. I Did not read the whole story but I'm guessing that some things were and are being taken out of context. Reporters like to make the story bigger and you don't have control of that in most cases


    If you want to share the general area of your spot, it's cool with me. Not sure I wouldn't do the same.


