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Posts posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. I'm all about rubbing elk/deer piss dirt on my pant legs and my shoes. One of my favorite moments of my elk hunt last year was scooping up hot mud from where a big bull had been standing a few minutes before and rubbing it all over the legs of my pants and on my shoes.


    Does it work? Who knows, but I'm gonna do it again this year.



  2. I just bought a pair of Celestron Outlands 10x42, 65.00 from REI with a 15% member discount it came to 56.00 with tax. They are normally 109, but were on closeout - you can find them online for around 65.00


    They are great for the price I paid!



  3. Which Units are being discussed?


    As much as it will suck to go to a draw it is the wave of the future - unless the uncontrolled population growth is checked and the destruction of prime Coue's and Muley habitat is halted. There are still high density developments going into areas that hold deer - once the habitat is gone the deer have no where to go and then they are gone.


    A scary thought - the world record typical Coue's was killed in Pima County - what are the chances that the habitat that once held that world record deer is now part of a subdivision somewhere in suburban Tucson??

  4. I actually signed that petition a few years ago when it was passed around the Natural Resource School at the UofA. I don't know how I feel about it now, considering the roads will be closed, and the area has such high smuggling/coyote activity...


    If the gov't could assure safety and keep the wilderness pristine (hey - how about some real old school rangers - rough rider style!), I have no problem with it, but I know it won't be that way and it is going to be a wasteland of trashed backpacks, bottles, and clothing; too dangerous for any hunter to want to venture into it alone....

  5. I have several releases that I am looking to sell. See prices below, add 6.00 for S/H, free pick-up in Tucson. PM me if interested.


    1.) Fletchmatic TR - 40.00



    2.) Small RH tab - 4.00

    3.) Wooden 3 finger release - 5.00

    4.) Metal 2 finger release - 5.00

    5.) Plastic 4 finger release - 4.00



    6.) Caliper wrist release - 20.00


    7.) Mechanical wrist release - 40.00



  6. I got my 15's back on Monday. All said and done it took just shy of 5 months. The representative at Zeiss never acknowledged any of my complaints about the time it was taking or her failure to get me a loaner pair. I went on 2 scouting trips without any good optics - which definitely hindered me.



    As for the repair - I am happy with the work that was done - the binos look great and they are working better than ever (typical Zeiss quality).



    What I am unhappy about is that I am not sure how square the USA representative was with me concerning the repair. For 450 dollars I was only supposed to get the parts around the bent ocular replaced, the binos cleaned and focused. The repair receipt I received had several additional repairs listed on it - one of which they obviously did.



    I am not sure if the price I paid was for ONLY the repair I requested or for the additional repairs I did not agree to.



    I am not complaining that they did the extra work - I am just wondering if they milked me for more than I could have paid on the repair I asked for.


    In addition to the ocular repair, they replaced the rubber armor, and there is no way of finding this out - but on the repair receipt it says they REPLACED THE PRISM SYSTEM!!!! If that happened than Zeiss just lost alot of money from me - the original estimate that had the prism system being replaced had the bill at 2500 dollars.


    I actually think that the service rep here in the US was so inept that she forgot to tell the Germans not to change the prisms and only billed me for the stuff I asked for....


    Oh well - I've got my babies back now and I am going to New Mexico in 4 weeks to kill an elk.


    Peace out!



  7. thank you both for the advice - no I haven't contacted Steiner yet; and I talked with Ron - he says 30 dollars to fix um - nothing if he can't.


    I bought a pair of 10x42 Celestron Outlands for 50 dollars from REI (w/ 15% member discount) - they work great - but I will still get the Steiners fixed soon.



  8. I came upon a dead bull elk on my scouting trip last week, I decided to cut the head off and hang it in a tree to keep the coyotes, bears, and vultures from eating the rack (still in velvet). The elk was mostly eaten (as you can see) and had turned rotten when I found it.




    Apparently I had a tiny cut on my finger because it became infected within 48 hours and felt like I had sprain my knuckle, the infection spread up my arm and caused a fever - at which time I hurried to a hospital and got an series of I.V. antibiotics. The antibiotics seem to have done the trick - lucky me.


    For those wondering how he died - I was 4 miles from the nearest highway, and 1.5 miles from the nearest dirt road. When I got the skin off his head I found that his teeth were completely worn out on the right side, and his molars were broken down the center - probably from the extreme wear. So, my vote is for malnutrition and old age.

    video of dead bull

  9. I've got a pair of 8x30 Steiners that I want fixed - they are not too fancy - so I am not looking to spend alot on a repair.


    Any reputable repairmen around town?


    I have a number for a guy named Ron who used to work at a Survey supply store down on 16th but I haven't been able to get in touch with him yet.


    Thanks for any help!



  10. I've hiked through all of my sweet spots (the places I found sheds last year), and all I've come up with is one new drop.


    What's the deal? I've seen a ton of fresh sign, but no new antlers... I think I've upset the antler gods, what must I do to get my karma back?!!



    Btw, I have been finding other species sheds, here are a couple pics of the dozen or so elk antlers and thousand elk I saw on my recent trip to the Valles Caldera National Preserve.





  11. They look well used, even before the fall to concrete. At $2600 for repairs, or $535 for min repairs, might be time to cut your losses. For 2600, you could get new Swaros and then some.




    They are well used - my father-in-law has killed dozens of elk and dozens of deer, and those 15s were around his neck for alot of those hunts. They are over 20 years old - this is the first time they have been sent back to Germany.


    I told the Rep the same thing about the cost for the repair - just give them back to me as is and I can go buy a new pair of Swaros for less. The price that I agreed on was just less than 450.00. The Zeiss were still functioning, but I had to screw one eye piece out to -6 from center to get them equalized.



  12. Last summer I dropped my 15's and bent the bridge and could not focus them either. I sent them to zeiss and got a call from them a month later saying they had to ship them to Germany. I said I need them for my hunts coming up, and they replied they did not know when they would be fixed. They offered to send me a loaner pair of 15's which I accepted. I had to give them my credit card number, I used them through January on all my hunts not thinking of my damged ones.


    In March 2007 I got a call from them saying that it would be $220 for the fix, which I paid, they also cleaned the binoculars and put new eye cups on them. Not a bad deal for my screw up but not near as good as leica or sworvski would have been. It was also 9 months without my binos, which I thought was rediculous.


    I asked the Sports Optics Rep repeatedly about a loaner pair - and she never answered me (the questions were over email) - I will call her right now and leave a message - I'll let you guys know what she says.



  13. Zeiss contacted me yesterday to finally ask for my credit card information to conduct the repair. It has taken 13 weeks to get to the point where I agreed on the neccessary repairs.


    On May 9th, 9 weeks after I sent in the binoculars I recieved this email:

    Dear Mr. Swetnam,


    I am sorry about the delay in sending you this breakdown of repairs from Germany. I wanted to do a breakdown of what is needed and what is being recommended by Germany


    Estimate repair cost from Germany: $2654.81 is for all of the repairs to be done


    What is needed for the repairs: $535.95

    Replace eyepiece sleeve

    replace diopter ring of eyepiece

    replace eyecups

    replace eyepiece bridge

    replace lens armoring

    replace drive knob


    What is recommended for the repairs

    replace prism system

    Disassemble and assemble lens tube

    replace eyelens

    Disassemble and assemble prism system


    Best regards,


    Karen Bookout

    Customer Service/Repair Administrator

    Carl Zeiss Optical Inc.

    13005 N. Kingston Avenue

    Chester, VA 23836 USA


    Phone: +1 800-441-3005 ext 8461

    Fax: +1 804-530-8333




    Currently the repair is set at 450 dollars for only the eyepiece sleeve, diopter ring of eyepiece, eye piece bridge, and driver knob. These were the pieces that were damaged when I dropped the binoculars. Zeiss is going to clean the binoculars, as part of the warranty - but as far as I know this is all the warranty will cover.


    I asked Karen today on the phone if there is anything that Zeiss can do for me since it has taken over three months to agree on a repair price - let alone the 8-16 weeks she says it will now take for the repair to be conducted. She told me that there is NOTHING that Zeiss can do.


    I told her that as a loyal Zeiss customer, and owner of several thousand dollars worth of Zeiss equipment I feel that I am owed some form of compensation for what I consider to be the unreasonable amount of time it is taking to get this repair done. She told me that she will 'put a rush order' on the job.


    I however have chosen to post this message as a warning to all of you Zeiss owners- BEWARE! I feel that as a company Zeiss is not interested in American Sport Optic owners, and will do little or nothing to ease the process of having your equipment repaired.


    My intention is to inform you fellow hunters that you would be better off buying your high end equipment from a company other than Zeiss.


    I am only one person, but I want Zeiss to know that through their incompetence in dealing with me they are damaging their professional image to hundreds of other customers who frequent this website and read this post.


