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Posts posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. Probably the most shocking documentary I've seen in years.


    For anyone who thinks documentaries are made by liberal fools, watch it, and see conservative families across the US sickened and dying without representation.


    I'll wager that the negative effects on mule deer and antelope will be widespread and directly correlated to gas fracturing 'fracking' in future student thesis and dissertations, peer-revied journals, and even hunting mags.


    Educate yourselves and your families, hopefully before you sign that fat mineral rights release.

  2. That dog is alive.


    Fire in timber moves pretty slow (dogs know better than to run at smoke, and be are too fast to be overtaken by it even with a bit of rope) - so no worries there.


    There are lots of crews and engines moving through the area, and I'm sure somebody would take note of the dog and radio it in if they saw it.


    Hopefully the dog was wearing a collar; I bet its only a matter of time if it hasn't already been picked up by the animal patrol. Put a call into the sherriff (who is running animal control at this point), or to animal control to see if its been picked up.


    Here is an article with a website for the lost pets: http://azdailysun.com/news/local/article_9...07ae2b1a65.html

  3. My vizsla got attacked by a doe up on the Santa Fe NF a few years ago. We were hiking up a trail and I had him off leash, he turned a corner 50 yards ahead of us, and as I came up toward it I saw a little brown flash come down the hill at us (I assumed it was the dog) I looked and saw it had white spots all over and realized it was a fawn; a second later it was gone down the hill, and I heard the dog barking somewhere above us... I thought 'Oh shoot'... Then I heard him yelping and getting further away from us, angling back down hill toward the trail we'd come up, I dropped my pack and chainsaw and went running down the trail calling after him... A moment later he appears on the trail, hauling butt, with a pissed off doe nearly on-top of him. She walloped him in the middle of his back and hind quarters twice before he skidded underneath my legs. She stopped less than 5 yards from us, eyes blazing at him. I looked him over and saw that she'd torn fur off his back in a few spots, but no blood. We stood there looking at each other for a minute, then she finally turned and trotted off back down the trail. I assume that she had twins, and that the dog ran into the middle of them, with one fawn taking off and his predatory instinct kicking in, all of his barking must have alerted the doe and thrown her into high gear. If I hadn't been there she probably could have finished him off with a couple more kicks.



  4. I went out looking for old whites this morning, my jaw dropped when I saw the first one: blood, hair, and silver-skin inside the pedicle!



    10 minutes later and I had the match!



    I've got 2 previous year singles off this buck.


    Haven't scored him up yet, but I'm guessing 100-105.

  5. Hey Tyson,


    Nice finds!! Just curious what makes you think it was a lion kill?




    Its the same rack that he had last year, I'd last seen him alive in February...


    Also, there's lions back there, and few hunters (cept the thief who stole my camera).

  6. Here's a couple latleys I've picked up


    lion kill in January:



    I hunted this guy last year, got video of him in velvet and hard horned, never saw him during December bow season, this was why...


    wierdo in February:



    notice all that green stuff on the ground, gonna be a good year.


    matched up this morning:



    Father in law found the other side a few weeks ago during HAM hunt. Now he's got a 95 inch set.
