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Posts posted by wmathern

  1. Sorry Iv been away for a few days busy with work. 68 hr work week doesn't leave much time for home life. Wow !!! The only thing I can say is IM SPEECHLESS. I tip my hat to all of you CW members and non members for all the love and support.... I'm blown away by the fact that so many people who prior we're strangers have found a place in there heart for our son! Thank you all so much for the prayers, thoughts, wishes and donations. Thank you BPURSELL for making all this possible, without you I never would have been able to get the story out. I'm not real tech savvy.., and if it weren't for you I would not have been blessed with By the CW community. HOGHNTR I don't really know where to begin! you took an immediate interest in my son and began and interest as if he was your own ran with it. the craziest thing is prior to this we were strangers but I do believe after all this I will of made some lifelong friends and I am forever indebted to all of you thank you

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  2. The second surgery went well the surgeon was happy with the outcome. Basically he cut out the lens,cataract,scar tissue and pulled the jelly out and visually inspected the eye since he could not see back there with machine. We will let this surgery heal up for a while and hopefully schedule surgery to get a prosthetic lens put in so he see

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