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Posts posted by Antlerdog

  1. Hello Hunters.... Havent had a chance to view all the comments and finally have..... Well first of all thanks for all the congrats.... Ive seen this buck twice and of course the horns threw me off the first time... until the flag was raised.... that was 2 years ago while I was guiding the November coues hunt.... One of my hunters said oh look at that small muley... I had to go peak and come to find out it was a coues.... He was about 100in at the time and we tried getting him and failed to.... If its a hybrid to some hunters.... its acceptable.... I have 4 muley bucks that score over 170 and I know if this was a 120 muley I wouldn't even look at him twice.... I saw the face first and saw the unmistable ring around the nose and ears... plus his body is no where near a muleys 200ib body... after packing him out we had maybe 70 pounds of meat... I am very excited I was able to connect on a buck like this. In my big own big huntin heart I will go to my grave knowing I shot a big san carlos coues whitetail and proud. Hybrid or not... I am very happy and thank God for an awesome animal and experience like this one.... God bless you all hard core coues hunters out there, and those who found interest in this deer and I will post more pics when I have time 2moro.... thanks Dan for all your help.

    HOSS --- julius, Congrats again on killing a BIG coues buck!! Jim Reynolds

  2. /> Straight up coues buck. Amazing how many game biologists are on this site. Every time a huge coues deer is taken, someone on this site will drop the first " subtle" phrase such as ears look big or color looks like a mulie or some other BS. Funny thing is, all the giants that come from Mexico are seldom if ever questioned. Please for respect to the hunter, refrain on your opinions and just congratulate the guy. Cracks me up that people have the nerve to ask for photos of the tail or something. The guy posted pics for us to enjoy, if your jealousy is too much just keep the comments to yourself please. By the way some of the bucks coming off the Kiabab are way too big, wondering if something is going on between the deer and elk up there?!

    Well said brotha!

    Congrats Julius, Looks like a big coues buck to me. Coues deer on the same hill can look different. brown / gray

    Well put mc68

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  3. Wish they would implement that rule here in az for elk. You wound one your hunt is over. If they did half the people on this site would be guilty of the same thing as ted.


    I wouldnt say he is giving us a black eye. Lol. He stands up for hunting far more than most people. Especially being a celebrity.

    Which half?

    Which half do you fit into? Be a responsible hunter.

  4. More than likely it was a failure to know local laws. If they were known and violated - that's another thing. Like they say" ignorance of the law is NO excuse!


    Ted is an un-apologetic supporter of our shooting rights and of hunting. Don't judge if you don't know all the FACTS!


    God Bless Ted Nugent!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I've stopped by Chuck Meacham's taxidermy shop five or six times at various hours in the last month and have yet to find him there. There is a "Closed" sign on the wall outside,but no other information is posted. Is he still in business? Has he been ill or out of town? Does anyone know his telephone number? The one in the Yellow Pages is not valid.


    Bill Quimby



    GOOD LUCK!!! Jim Reynolds

  6. I hope that the guys this is written to are not actually members of this forum, but in the event that they are, here goes...


    So the Sunday after Thanksgiving I was out with a friend who had a tag in 32. I was sitting on a ridge top glassing the canyon while my friend was on the backside of the ridge glassing another canyon. I locate a 95-100 inch 3x4 coues on the opposite side of the canyon near the bottom around 400 yards from me, working his way down into the thick bottom. I radio my buddy and tell him to head my way. He tells me it will take him a few minutes. I loose sight of the buck in the bottom. At the same time I'm glassing the bottom trying to find the buck again, I see a white Dodge Ram coming up a two track in the bottom of the canyon. The truck slides to a stop and a couple of guys jump out of the truck with their rifles. I hear rocks rolling in the bottom of the canyon and I look to see the buck on a dead run headed straight for the saddle I am sitting in. The shooting starts with both idiots standing and shooting off-hand at this running buck which is easily 200 yards from them when they start shooting. They both unload their rifles as fast as they can work the bolts. Buck now closing fast on my position and jackwagon #1 loads a single shell in his rifle and starts to acquire the buck in his scope. I am standing in a tan hoodie and brown ball cap and I start waving my arms like a wild man when I realize that the guy is pointing his rifle my way. The guy takes a shot as the buck is literally less than 20 yards from me passing through the barren saddle and over the top... I yell "Hey!" at the top of my lungs and now both jackwagons are looking up toward me and pointing. I am still waving my arms. Idiots actually raise their rifles after seeing my movement and look at me through their scopes. Once they see it is a person, they immediately lower their rifles down and turn and walk really fast to their truck. The guy actually backs back down the road for around 100 yards and does a 6 point turn and they haul butt out of the canyon.


    If any of you know two guys (probably early to late 20's) who were hunting 32 and who were in a newer Dodge Ram with black rims and a Cabelas sticker on the center of the top of their rear window, I have a little something for them if you can send them my way!


    Kevin H,

    Did you have a tag for this hunt? Or were you buddy hunting, or perhaps a licensed guide? ( maybe your buddy isn't a good enough hunter to fill his own tag? ) Did the people in the Dodge truck have tags for this hunt? Did the guys in the Dodge truck "jackwagons" have backpacks with $5K worth of optics going to a glassing point? Thank god the hunters didn't think you were a flopping deer they had just shot at ( you waving your arms at 400 plus yards in a saddle you say is barren to you ) If you don't like public hunting you should stay home!!!!! They had every right to be out there hunting , if they have tags!



  7. Yea its pretty awesome to know that these monsters are roaming the hills! hope more people bust out with their wide coues pics cuz i expected to see a wide coues as well when i clicked.





    A couple more wide bucks. The skull is 21" The mount is 20" outside spreads. Jim



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