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Everything posted by trophyhnter

  1. trophyhnter

    AZGFD responds to AZSFW data

    Get info guys. Hopefully what will come out of this is that we will find people that can shed light on all the information that the rest of us dont know so we can all feel conformatable with the information we are receiving and not think everything is misinformation. Where can we find that G&F was indeed managing for 10-20 buck to doe ratio? In the Hunting Recommendations prior to the final hunting regs?
  2. trophyhnter

    Elk & Antelope Draw Credit Cards Charged

    Nothing for me yet! I may crash my banks server with as many times as I am checking my credi card!
  3. trophyhnter

    ADA and Gilstrap

    Amanda, I dont know what all the ADA members think about this bill but i would hope that they are against it. That said, ADA meeting minutes show ".....platinum level donor, which would entail a $10,000 donation. Suzanne outlined AZSFW’s accomplishments and plans for the future. John Koleszar moved, Domenick Lopano seconded, to support AZSFW as a platinum donor and contribute $10,000. Motion carried". The following is the ADA Mission Statement: “The Arizona Deer Association is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to improving habitat and expanding Arizona's mule deer and Coues' deer herds. To fulfill our mission, we raise funds from members, the public, and private sources. These funds support projects, education, and programs that directly benefit Arizona's deer herds and their habitat.” The support of this bill must be exactly that, funding raising, right? Has the board explored other ways of raising funds that might be more in line with their member’s views? The following is from ADA Membership Section: “The Arizona Deer Association is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to preserving deer and deer habitat in the state of Arizona. The members of the ADA are a diverse group and include hunters, lawyers, teachers, construction workers, and people from all walks of life and all spectrums of society. Members are the heart of the organization and member participation is the key that helped the organization grow from its inception at a backyard barbeque to one of the largest conservation organizations in the state. Currently, we have about 500 members who are involved in all kinds of projects such as habitat improvements, youth camps, and our annual banquet.” If the board is elected by the members then is stands to reason that the members are for this bill, right? I think there is a real disconnect here and while I can appreciate that the ADA is dedicated to improving habitat and expanding Arizona's mule deer and Coues' deer herds by raising funds. Again, the board owes it to their members to explore all/other ways of raising funds that might be more in line with their member’s views.
  4. trophyhnter

    SB 2072

    "Wish for the best....prepare for the worst" or so the saying goes. What does this mean for us as hunters and members of wildlife organizations? The obvious is that we have less tags to drawn from and drawn success will be done! Do you think other states will do the same? Will you keep your membership with the organizations that supported this bill? Will you help on wildlife projects that are sponsored by these organizations? Money and man power is the ADA, and the like, are looking for.....not your opinion. I am wrestling with this right now. It seems that new groups will be formed in response to the misalignment the core values of the organization that members and the board perceive! As members, how do you feel your organization has treated your vote/opinion/stance? Personally, I will be signing up for a AES project instead of the others i was going to do!
  5. trophyhnter

    Just How Big is he?

    I would shot him! This tine length isnt very long or so it seems as they are head on shots of the rack and his mainbeam is right at his ears, so i would say he is a high 80s buck maybe 90ish!
  6. trophyhnter

    ADA and Gilstrap

    Amanda, How does the process work with the ADA in situations like this? Do the members have a say in the position that the ADA takes? I assume they get member feed back from this questionaire but are the result available for members to see? Does the board overrule the members oppinions? This senario represents a big problem for hunters.....support the organizatons that support wildlife BUT may not represent your views (after all people in power can do whatever they want despite the people that put them there). OR CAN THEY?
  7. trophyhnter

    White Mountains Fishing ?s

    If you go to big lake, make sure take plenty of warm clothes and a windbreaker because its usaully cold and super windy!
  8. trophyhnter

    What are you gunna get this year?

    Already bought my boots so I am good to go! Maybe I will finally give in and get an expansive (better) tripod.
  9. trophyhnter

    ADBSS Cipriano Tank Project

    I usually go to one a year during this time. A lot of hard work but they are fun. Sometimes you get a helicopter ride out of it like last year. Before I commit to anymore, I want to know where ADBSS stands on the big game ripp off bill 2072! Better yet NO on bill 2072!
  10. trophyhnter

    Access to 4a/4b

    Several years ago the parked at the little parking lot off the SR260 (across from the Young Road turnoff) and walked the tail to the backside of willow springs. There with alot of snow on the ground but saw two large flocks of turkeys withing several hundred yards of each other. I dont remember seeing toms but they are definiatly there.
  11. trophyhnter

    My Handgun Javelina hunt...

    Great job! I have a 40 cal with a 4 inch barrel that I take on the HAM hunt but I never get close enough to use it. I dont shoot that good with it!
  12. trophyhnter

    First San Carlos Hunt

    Congratulation to both hunter! Great writeup and pics. I like on one with your dad. reminders me of my hunts with my dad.
  13. trophyhnter

    Thinning The Herds

    Great story...Congrats to all. Great wirteup and the pics complete it! I have a 2 year old and 5 month old and CANNOT wait to take them on their first hunt!
  14. trophyhnter

    Javelina extraveganza

    Some more food for thought...the HAM(handgun, archery, muzzleloader) season is a good compromise because the effective range of handguns can be up to 100 yards and my muzzleloader is good out to 200 yards. There are usually less tags (hunters) for this season. My friends have shot javelina at 10 yards with a 10mm, 100+ yards with a TC contender handgun in .223, and my brother shot a pig at 220 yards with a TC Omega.
  15. trophyhnter

    Tom Lion

    Great Cat. Huge Congrats! As far as cats are concerned in Az we should abide by the laws......hunt....kill that trophy of a lifetime....make memories and mother nature will take care of the rest!
  16. trophyhnter

    Bobcat with a bow

    Kicking butt and taking predator names.........How is the taxidermy bill? My brothers lion rug was over $1000 and i was quoted $1000 for a life size bobby mount!
  17. trophyhnter

    Guess the Score of this San Carlos Coues shed!

    BIG Guess! 63 5/8
  18. trophyhnter

    Mt. Lion Hunt, March 2012

    Congrats! Great story! I saw a mountain lion chase a doe while scouting and after his failed attempt at the doe he stop broadside for 15 minutes at 250 yards. I now carry a lion tag when I am out in the field.
  19. Wow! You boys at getn it done! Huge congrats to all the hunters! Do the hunter cook and eat the heart?
  20. trophyhnter

    Locked gate on state trust land

    I use all the maps available (ie national forest, contour) but I ckeck them against the online maps at the Arizona State Land Department webpage.
  21. trophyhnter

    Locked gate on state trust land

    Good info! We had something similar happen on a deer hunt in the Douglas area where the map showed the road on State or BLM but the gate was locked. We spoke to a local that was parked at the gate trying to figure why it was locked....anyway he said he and his buddies were going to teach the rancher a lesson by...no need repeating how! We spoke to game and fish the same day and he said that they have been trying to work it out with the rancher but no access was going to be granted (only his buddies had access). G&F guy said he was pretty sure the road was on public land but they didnt have the $1500 to hire a surveyor to prove it...and a few more thousands for the leagal battle when the rancher hired his own sureyor to dispute the findings. I asked why not make a 50 to 100 yd road to get arount issue? He said G&F doesnt have the money for the all the permits and studies needed to build assuming (BIG butt) State Land or BLM would approve the road. I sypathize with the rancher, im sure he had his reasons for locking the gate but the law is supposed to be the law right? My conclusion, we the hunters got screwed!
  22. trophyhnter

    Eyecup Replacement

    Anyone know how to get eyecup replacements for these binoculars? As per their webpage I sent an email to the closest authorized repair shop but they want me to ship the binos to and from at my cost just to look at them and give me a cost estimate. The eyecup is repair is eady and i can do it myself. I just need a place to sell me the eyecups. Big nope at Sportmans and Bass Pro.
  23. trophyhnter

    San Diego fishing advice?

    I would suggest you go with a 3/4 day so that you have a chance a catching numbers and quality fish. The best information will come from the landing(s). They will tell you what kind of fishing is hot. On the 3/4 day you will likely fly line (no to very light sinker) a sardine for yellowtails or a dropper loop for bottom fish (they say rock cod). Take your own fishing saltwater tackle otherwise you will need to rent a rod and reel combo (not the best and you never know how old the line is). Motion sickness may be a problem (it was for me) so i take some pills 8 hours before and right before i get on the boat......good all day! Nothing worse that feeling like puking all day long or puking while you are trying to have fun. For fly line fishing find the best looking sardine (has all his scales, no red noise) handle it very lightly, pin it on through the nose and sent it out. If you dont catch anything in 1 to 2 minutes reel in and do it again. For the dropper loop cut squid work really good and anchovies. Regardless of what they tell you, use a small hook for the anchovies. Also buy 6, 8, and 10 oz sinkers before you leave cause they get pricely that the landings and you will lose some sinkers if you fishing right. CA waters only 2 hooks max but Mexican waters 4 hooks per line max. Anyway, let out line until you hit bottom and keep just a little slack in the line when the boat is anchored but no to very little slack when your drift fishing. Best advice is to see what all the other people are doing that are catching fish. Below are the sites for the open party fishing boats in San Diego: http://www.hmlanding.com/ http://www.pointlomasportfishing.com/ http://www.seaforthlanding.com/ Look at fish counts and they will give you an idea of what fishing is hot! There is a $30 mexican visa that you need as of Jan 1 2012. Call the landings about the requirements.
  24. trophyhnter

    Handgun Bullet Limit

    Not advocating a limit for handguns....just an observation of the regualtions.
  25. trophyhnter

    Marshall Collins giant buck!

    WOW! Super buck. Huge congrats to the hunter!