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Posts posted by Latestartchase

  1. One year on a elk hunt my wife and I being in a hurry and being over confident bail out of the truck in the ceders to head towards a ridge overlooking a valley we had scouted for elk with success but after reaching the edge were we glassed before the hunt the elk were way on the other side so after a several miles of trying to get to the elk it was coming night fall and we only had one rifle and one cell phone nothing else, not having the gps location of the truck but a very macho sense of direction I had started back to the truck cross country to save time, about four hours into the night I almost wanted to say I was lost but my wife knew I was lost five hours earlier but trudged along with me, every opening every ceded tree and every malipi rock looked the same in the dim cell phone light, finally about midnight we found a cell signal and had  talked my brother in law into the place we had parked and when he got there to flash his lights and honk his horn, in a very humbling set of events we were only half a mile away when he arrived and were able to get home by 2 am.( the next day my wife ordered a Garmin gps ) 

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  2. Go custom, what one deems perfect others deem useless I’ve built dozens of trailers and always love talking to the new owner about what they need and when you start throwing ideas and options around a whole new light appears in there eyes, there are a lot of great commercial builders , there are also talented fab shops too .... 
