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Coues Sniper

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Posts posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Hahaha! You had to go to the archives to get obsessed with this new buck??!? I would have been in love at first sight! What a great deer. That cluster with 3 points is awesome, and he's a big buck besides. You have a spot with some great genetics, I'm extremely jealous. Good luck putting an arrow through that deer this year.

    Definitely The Same.

    What Is The Need On Drop tine?

    He was found dead. Guy who found him was nice enough to give him to Nontyp.

  2. Oh man. My heart sank when I saw that flyer attached to a skull. That SUCKS. That no good buddy of yours should give you the sheds now ;)

    I can't ask for the sheds, in both cases young kids found the sheds and I would never ask them to give them up. I know what it is like to find a shed and it doesn't happen every day.

    I feel fortunate that the finder of the skull gave it too me so I have my pictures and I have the skull, all is good.

    knowing the full story, I agree with you 100%. Very nice of the finder to let you have that skull. Still sucks he's dead.

  3. Not that I want to see you go but I'm more of a glass half full kind of guy. That being said you can hunt that small Sika in Maine (closer than AZ) and


    "Maine is home to one of the largest of the 30 recognized subspecies of white-tailed deer. After attaining maturity at age five, our bucks can reach record live weights of nearly 400 lbs. Most adult bucks, however will normally range from 200 to 300 lbs live weight, and will stand 36 to 40" at the shoulder. Does are considerably smaller; they normally weigh 120 to 175 lbs live weight. Newborn fawns begin life at 4 to 10 lbs, but grow to approximately 85 lbs live weight in their first 6 months of life."


    I'm sure Jersey has some big bucks. I did get an email once that listed an article that the Jersey State goverment was asking hunters to help control the number of deer in the area. The catch, no center fire and you had to shoot from a tree stand. I will have to add Jersey to my states to hunt. Good lucj and visti CWT offen.

    HaYen, that is really interesting. I've never heard of that subspecies before. I will definitely be looking into that.


    So you'll be trading Mexican Food for Italian Food. LOL

    Plenty of hunting and salt water fishing there too. Hard work and dedication usually pays off.

    Plenty of that already. I did try a mexican restaurant that was highly rated online - and it was garbage. Good thing I still like good italian. Never had it as good as up here.



    Awesome!! I have been looking forward to the story and now it even comes with video, excellent! Congratulations on a great buck!


    Was that a high shoulder shot? Love when they drop and never move again....


    Thanks Amanda. No, it wasn't a high shoulder shot. I was above him so I put it mid height on the shoulder to me, and it exited 1/3 up on opposite side. We did the gutless method so I didn't look at the vitals, but the shockwave and bloodshot was pretty amazing. Both shoulders were toast, as was very front of backstrap on side to me.


    cool.....I shot a buck once in Mexico and it dropped just like that and never moved....it was so awesome, I wish I had gotten it on video. The camera guy was on his way, but didn't get there in time. Mine was high shoulder and the way yours dropped reminded me of that shot.

    It is nice when they drop like a sack of rocks ;). The funny thing is, Jay and I had some time so we discussed different land marks and how he would talk me into the buck if I missed and he moved out. When I shot, I though I got back in the scope pretty quickly, but couldn't find the buck and wasn't getting any feedback from Jay. You can barely her me on the radio saying "What happened?" as I was totally confused. That's when Jay gets on with the nice shot part :).

  5. Awesome!! I have been looking forward to the story and now it even comes with video, excellent! Congratulations on a great buck!


    Was that a high shoulder shot? Love when they drop and never move again....

    Thanks Amanda. No, it wasn't a high shoulder shot. I was above him so I put it mid height on the shoulder to me, and it exited 1/3 up on opposite side. We did the gutless method so I didn't look at the vitals, but the shockwave and bloodshot was pretty amazing. Both shoulders were toast, as was very front of backstrap on side to me.

  6. Just wanted to post a quick video of the buck I killed this year with Colburn and Scott Outfitters in MX this year. My father and I had a great hunt with Jay and Darr. Those guys are serious about hunting Coues and their preparation was impressive. This was definitely not the last time Pops and I will be booking with those guys. At any rate, on the last day I glassed this buck up and called Jay over to take a look at it with me. I knew he wasn't a monster, but after some gentle prodding from Jay I decided to take him. He was the 2nd double beamed buck I had seen in as many days and that combined with his character was more than I could take. Jay stayed to keep and eye on him, and I looped around to get within range as we were at 1100 yards. I admittedly was a little nervous about the shot as Jay had kept saying how he was "looking forward to seeing The Coues Sniper in action" :rolleyes: . But I was able to find a perfect setup at 465 yards - prone, no wind, in a saddle between two bluffs, and a flat rock in front of me to pre-load the bipod. The buck was bedded with his head over his vitals so I took my time and was able imput my actual atmoshperics and even dry fire a few times. Jay and I were talking on the radio when the buck got up, that's when the video starts. I waited for him to stop and let the crosshairs settle right on his shoulder and timed my squeeze with the exhale on my breathing cycle. I was shooting my 300 ultra pushing 208 grain A-Max's at 3180 fps. The result was pretty devastating. Impact was exactly where I aimed and it was like you hit him with a sledgehammer. When we got to the buck, his legs were folded underneath him just like he was bedded or you posed him for photographs. Exit hole was about the size of a silver dollar. I was very happy both with the deer, and the performance of the A-max's. Thanks again to Jay, Darr, and Janis. One of my favorite hunts, and bucks, for sure!



