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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Ruger Precision Rifle NIB 6.5 creedmoor Gen 2 $2850

    Not Sure what changes Ruger made on the new models, but they did raise the SUGGESTED retail. However, you can still find both old and new models in both .308 and 6.5 for $1100 - $1250 new with a little searching.
  2. Str8Shot

    Unit 32 access issues?

    We Stopped Hunting that unit Years back do to access to get back to some of our favorite spots... Use to be a Power line road we got to going across Allen Flats and then up Muleshoe ... The road went over the mountains and came out at Wilcox.. Always seen good Bucks in those drainages all along that road but not even sure you can access it anymore. Can you still travel the 691 all the way through ?
  3. Str8Shot

    Current Hunts

    Yeah ... a lot of hunts open just figured the Loading Hounds kinds of limits what they may be hunting.
  4. Str8Shot

    Cardinal Sin

    If they are smart they will let Romo have the rest of the season to heal completely.... The last 4 years he has played injured more games than any other QB in the league. Romo at 100% has a season or two still in him ... Would make a good backup to Prescott.
  5. Str8Shot

    Cardinal Sin

    Going to be sad when a Rookie Led Cowboys Team makes the Playoffs and the Cardinals don't ...
  6. Str8Shot

    Cardinal Sin

    purgatory.....Cardinal's fans watching the Cowboy's WINNING !
  7. Str8Shot

    Current Hunts

    The REGS .... Keep a copy of all current ones in your vehicle ... does not get much simpler. Fall Bear and Mountain Lions if carrying rifles most likely (not sure if Bear is still open or if Sow limit has been reached) ... If carrying Shotguns Quail opened up this past weekend
  8. Str8Shot

    unit 23 advice

    There are Coues all through the Unit .. many of the places hold Mulies as well Coues ... Big unit Lots of access and do not go with the impression there is greater density and you will see more North of Young... They are everywhere. Two years ago seen a bachelor herd of 8 with 2 Awesome Bucks within 500 yards of A-cross
  9. Str8Shot

    bear bait

    Why I would choose a Bug Bullet over bear spray .
  10. Str8Shot

    36B Plan/Decision

    If you want to be more central in the Unit as well as close to some great hills... The Yellow Jacket Road right off of Ruby Road will always have good number of camps set up... Seems to be a favorite spot of the RV and Toy hauler Guys. Most clear out by Monday but usually a couple will stay through the hunt.
  11. Str8Shot

    unit 23 advice

    Just look for all the trucks with CWT stickers in the back windows pulled off the roads .... or driving them
  12. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    But back to the kids, What hunt do you want them to have, a hunt where they see almost no deer at all and the success rate is 20% at best?? That's not doing much for are future hunters IMO, I would have no problem if for one year all they allowed to hunt in 6A was kids. So you are saying the retention of future hunters is based off of success? I do not buy that at all and from what I have researched there is no evidence to prove that it does. There are enough Small game and Big game opportunities to hook, grow and retain future hunters without the youth Hunts for Deer and Elk. Part of the learning curve of any angling or hunting is the lesson in humility and understanding that there are no guarantees. Youth hunts are the equivalency of Giving all Kids who participate in a sport a trophy just so they stay interested, IMO, and that IMO is a bad habit. You may not have said that you were against them but you did Call them the equivalence of participation trophies. Also, have you personally seen more deer activity in early October than you have from deer other times of the year? You are correct that testosterone spikes cause velvet to shed and also begin to spar but that does not mean it makes them be on their feet more. If anything it makes them more comfortable bedding in thick cover where their velvet is no longer sensitive and vulnerable and allows them to get away from the heat of the October sun. I Know, have scouted, hunted, or assisted on hunts in a dozen or so units from the White Mountains south to the 36's ... Scouting mid to late Sept through Mid October The majority of the time in the majority of the units we frequent The bucks were herded up and more active throughout the day. There will always be factors that increase or decrease their activity but for the most part it is never much problem to find decent bachelor herds during that time of year. We also tend to stay out all day long and contrary to what many say about mid day movement in October not all bucks are bedding in those mid day hours. They really do not seem to change much until the fist hard pressure in the area comes from the first hunt... In most cases Youth Hunts .... I am not against a kid having a shot at a big buck ... but still I am not buying into the idea that youth hunts create more or retain more future hunters !!!
  13. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    mic drop LOL ... This is still a Theory just at stated at the end ... and one that still does not show an valid data that YOUTH HUNTS create greeter retention of Hunters... IT is my theory based of my experiences and facts through my life so far ( not an opinion ) that youth hunters growing into adult hunters have way more to do with the Parent and the Quality of the Overall experience not just A higher Success Rate of a youth only hunt ... I know plenty of young adults that never hunted small game, birds, who never got into the full experience of the outdoors, yet have tagged a Buck off a youth Hunt and now do not Hunt at all . I also know plenty of young adults that hunted small game, did lots of camping and really got into the experience but did not even start hunting big game until their late teens and are now die hard hunters. I will stick with my statement that I have not seen any valid data to support that youth hunts add to retention... Furthermore, if I did follow the contrasting logic on youth hunts. I could come to the conclusion, that those arguing against me would be unsuccessful of creating the passion in a youth hunter that molds them into a lifetime hunter without youth only hunts.
  14. Str8Shot

    23N early rifle bull!

    Man, that old timer must love it in the trenches.... Awesome Job getting it done !
  15. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    One of the most fun hunts I ever assisted on was an unsuccessful Youth Hunt with a friend and his son. Hi son was 14 and well versed on hunting after growing up hunting small game, dove, and javelina. He had been on several Deer and Elk hunts with his dad always asking questions and learning. When the time for his hunt came, he was the one in charge. He had been on all the scouting trips and he chose where we would be hunting each day... The kid was all in when it came to trying to fill his tag... long hikes .. long glassing ... long hours in the field and you would not catch him napping... Heck two bucks he passed up on the first day he glassed while we were both napping in the shade. When finally faced with a shot on a quality buck, he knew he did not feel comfortable making, he suggested the approach to close the distance and honestly there was probably no better approach. Him and his dad got to with in 150 yards and other than his dads words of support he chose his shot... It missed high right over the back with no chance for a follow up that day. After seeing that buck he chose to stay on his trail the rest of the hunt passing up several other bucks in the process. Since that hunt ( This year he turned 18 ) he has put tags on 2 Bucks, both on General hunts, but when it comes to excitement talking about hunts around the campfire , in his own words " That unsuccessful hunt was his best Hunt" p.s. IMO on general hunts you can give a LOT MORE examples and lessons on what NOT to do more often it seems
  16. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    Creed I did not say I was against youth hunts... I stated there is not data to prove that youth deer and elk hunts create retention. If you have any data that can be validated and not just based on opinion .. please share it. I have assisted on youth hunts and have seen behaviors from some Dads that almost mirror those of the crazy moms with their daughters in beauty pageants. You are completely wrong about your statement that deer shedding or just finishing shedding are less active. It is actually the opposite ... It is a big increase of testosterone that pushed them through the process, as it progresses bucks will tend to be more active and in larger bachelor herds sparring and testing each other for dominance... Browsing and grazing generally increases as well as they try to bulk up for the up coming rut.
  17. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    But back to the kids, What hunt do you want them to have, a hunt where they see almost no deer at all and the success rate is 20% at best?? That's not doing much for are future hunters IMO, I would have no problem if for one year all they allowed to hunt in 6A was kids. So you are saying the retention of future hunters is based off of success? I do not buy that at all and from what I have researched there is no evidence to prove that it does. There are enough Small game and Big game opportunities to hook, grow and retain future hunters without the youth Hunts for Deer and Elk. Part of the learning curve of any angling or hunting is the lesson in humility and understanding that there are no guarantees. Youth hunts are the equivalency of Giving all Kids who participate in a sport a trophy just so they stay interested, IMO, and that IMO is a bad habit. . Youth hunts are far from a gimme. In some units they are the 3 rd back to back to rifle deer hunt . Never said they were a gimmie .... But a big difference from mid 55-58% Success and and 28-32% Success ... My only point is that there is not proof that youth hunts = more life long hunters.
  18. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    But back to the kids, What hunt do you want them to have, a hunt where they see almost no deer at all and the success rate is 20% at best?? That's not doing much for are future hunters IMO, I would have no problem if for one year all they allowed to hunt in 6A was kids. So you are saying the retention of future hunters is based off of success? I do not buy that at all and from what I have researched there is no evidence to prove that it does. There are enough Small game and Big game opportunities to hook, grow and retain future hunters without the youth Hunts for Deer and Elk. Part of the learning curve of any angling or hunting is the lesson in humility and understanding that there are no guarantees. Youth hunts are the equivalency of Giving all Kids who participate in a sport a trophy just so they stay interested, IMO, and that IMO is a bad habit.
  19. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    23 has been a top 3 choice for a good majority of applicants for 30 + years ... Unit 10 it was only a matter of time until the herd size grew and it started producing Quality Bulls in Good numbers... I will give you, that the popularity of 10 was probably sped up a few years do to Articles and Internet postings showing Both quality and Quantity. I would not go that far for 23.
  20. Str8Shot

    what unit?

    Just assume everyone, sharing unit numbers are lying, and then it really doesn't matter. The best, are the guys who take the time to black out 80% of a picture in order not to give anything away. They deserve extra credit !
  21. Str8Shot

    Guess the score?

    Once the velvet comes off I would say mid to high 90's
  22. Lance think of going more this route (http://www.tacticalsol.com/x-ring-series/bull-barrel-and-overmolded-stock-upgrade-for-the-ruger-1022-takedown) with an OEM receiver with full upgrade kit and BX trigger... Can shave off a few hundred dollars for the scope.
  23. Lance we are just having fun with "your Sickness" ... It is an awesome setup you got there. After getting my son a 10/22 Takedown for Christmas, I decided next year I am going to get one for myself and am probably going to do the Barrel upgrade from Tactical Solutions...
  24. My $100 marlin 60/Tasco will put squirrels in the pot! Heck... we never had a problem using the cheap Marlins with iron sights filling bag limits.
  25. Str8Shot

    Lucky Me 36C

    "Where to Hunt" AZGFD website ... Then take a couple trips