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Phil Beavers

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Everything posted by Phil Beavers

  1. Phil Beavers


    ^^^ This right here... I'm 34 so I think I missed the whole Millennial generation but I hear and see a lot of them and you do hear a lot of " work smart not hard " from their generation... Totally opposite of how I was raised..
  2. Phil Beavers


    Not just millennial's....A whole lot of people / Americans....We get so used to the conveniences modern technology brings us that we forget how we got here and how we got this smart... Those guys who shoot traditional bows... Hats off to you guys because that's early man type stuff. Just stick and strings.
  3. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Ummmmm.....the cowboys had a bye in the first round. As a cardinal fan, you wouldn't understand. Lol They are still "1 and done!" healthy roster , at home, 1st round bye.. Aaron Rodgers did the same thing to Cardinal fans last year at home in the playoffs Fitz and Palmer just made sure he didnt get that final shot!
  4. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Cowboys were getting away with some obvious holding on the WR's.. If the refs call that it wouldn't have been close.. I was right the Cowboys would be 1 and done! Good game though, Championship QB's seem to be the ones heading to Championship game.. Take not NFL! Its a QB driven league,
  5. Phil Beavers

    The new boarder wall

    Wages should be set by supply and demand, not the government. The cheap labor flooding across the border has a lot more to do with Mexico's chit economy and crime than it does with anything that is going on in the US. We're not getting flooded by illegal Canadians are we? The US/Canada border is less secure than the Mexican border, in some spots it's nothing more than a sign nailed to a tree. If Mexicans could earn a decent living an not have to live under fear of kidnappings, murder and extortion, they'd likely state put. They cross the border now because the potential reward out weighs the risk involved. The more I think about it, the more I think we don't need a wall, we need to start throwing sanctions and tariffs at Mexico until they militarize THEIR side of the line. That country does nothing but profit off of our soft leadership, and as far as I can see they don't even give a thing back to their people. It'd be really nice to see somebody other than the American tax payer foot the bill for their own problems at least once in my lifetime, but I'm sure this won't be that instance. Mexico and it's Military have already locked-down their Border, their southern Border... better to controll the "Plaza", cartel payoff's to 'law enforcement, miliary, to the Mexican President... Get a medico card and cut out the cartels, at least your weed wont have Blood on it, and it supports American jobs... (Edited for Content...) The Guatemalans & Hondurans still get in though.. Like someone else said earlier the reward out weighs the risk... And yes people if you like to smoke cannabis like our forefathers then get a medical card and support American jobs. Cannabis is the new cash crop and its here to stay guys so get behind it and lets make America great again!
  6. Phil Beavers

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

  7. Phil Beavers

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Yup two teenage American boys are in big trouble ....
  8. Phil Beavers

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Ha! Did you see the new one thats been posted all over broad head brotherhood?? Guess on 12/30/2016 A US Customs van in Sierra Vista had its window shot out and surveillance has two punks in hunting gear with rifles and binos that look nothing like an illegal..Surprised it has been posted here with the quick to judge comments...
  9. Phil Beavers

    The new boarder wall

    Thats the thing I do like about Trump though.. Unless its his tax returns he just doesnt give a F!! I like how he handled the CNN reporters in regards to that fake CIA report written by anonymous / 4chan.. I cant believe CNN and the CIA ran with it...
  10. Phil Beavers

    The new boarder wall

    Trump needs to address our national security.. His CIA pick came out and admitted that Russia was behind the election hacks, not that it would have changed the outcome but still its pretty embarrassing and who knows when The Russian will spill the beans on him...
  11. Phil Beavers

    The new boarder wall

    Man that wall isnt going to get built... lol
  12. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I dont wanna see anyone from the NFC West in the championship game unless its the Cardinals so go Falcons!
  13. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Rodgers has been lights out the past 7-8 weeks.. Yep. Glad I had him on several fantasy teams. Bummer to see his top receiver go down after being great and healthy all year. Yeah man that was a brutal hit.. collapsed lung and broken ribs
  14. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Rodgers has been lights out the past 7-8 weeks..
  15. Phil Beavers

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Its in the 10 commandments!
  16. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Cowboys game plan: Run the ball and keep on running the ball.. Whatever it takes to keep Rodgers off the field.
  17. Phil Beavers

    OnXMaps for Garmin Rino

    I have the AZ one and its freaking awesome..Worth every penny..
  18. Phil Beavers

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    I can get behind this...
  19. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Lots of white guys play in the NFL..Just saying. Not on one team like on the Packers. So you're a Utah Jazz fan too... Got it.
  20. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I cant root for any team if it aint the Cardinals but Rodgers is legit, he will probably break of all Brett Farve's records too. He is good for sure. I think most records will be broke with how the NFL is now days. The league is soft, the defense cant touch anybody without a flag. So true...
  21. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    I cant root for any team if it aint the Cardinals but Rodgers is legit, he will probably break of all Brett Farve's records too.
  22. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Lots of white guys play in the NFL..Just saying.
  23. Phil Beavers

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    If Rodgers (who I rode to the championship ) and Manning both show up to play, that could be an amazing game. Thats what I was thinking and I'd love to watch a shoot out! I was fortunate enough to see that playoff game here in AZ , Green Bay @ Arizona Kurt Warner and Arron Rodgers put up like over 100 points combined on the score board..