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Posts posted by TRKHNTR

  1. After what you and that knuckle head friend of ours pulled, I want to say something mean, but I actually like you too much to do that (and it was darn funny!)! :P :D Good luck to you and Draysen! I'll be heading down to help set up the youth camp at Happy Jack tomorrow morning, hauling butt back to Flag to get my son from school and then taking him back down there for his first turkey hunt! Good luck gents!


    Seems like you and rossislider have issues with the same prankster I need to meet this person.



    Draysen, my 13 year old, is determined to get his first big game kill with his bow this weekend. So I absolutely plan to pull out the decoys. But they are not painted.

    Do you have a blind? Thats the most important tool of trying to kill a turkey with a bow.


    I do and will be taking it. I 'm thinking I will probably head to our spot Thursday evening after dark to put it up so it is in place Friday morning. At the very least it will keep us a little dryer since rain is in the forecast. Both Draysen and I are relatively novice turkey hunters. We both now have a couple of seasons of "chasing" them and he has one turkey under his belt. But this will be our first time solo without my friend/mentor who, despite his jokester ways ;), has taught us most of what we know about turkeys. I've been practicing hard with the calls and hitting up the seminars, while Draysen has been practicing with his bow DAILY for months. It should be interesting. At the very least, it will be fun. We plan to head up north to units 1/27 tomorrow night.


    you have no friends, but PM me who your mentor is I need all the help I can get this weekend.

  3. I use decoys for archery and when I mentor youths adds to the excitement and yes I was bored one cold snowy winter morning so I painted my DSD's to look like Merriam's. Bob is correct I would rather know my calling brought in the birds not the decoy's.

    • Like 2





    I started out on a push button call when I was around 10 or 12 and its all I used for many seasons. They are great to start learning with and still come in handy even after you decide to "upgrade". I went from push button to slates and diaphragms and now it shows whenever I try to use a box call. I started teaching my daughter on a slate and she decided to go straight to box calls. She's about to turn 14 and she's amazing with her favorite box call and slate. Of course, it helps that she now has two custom box calls and three custom slates, none of which she's had to do anything but smile to receive!



    :) I'll be waiting for my calls I pm'd you my address.



    Whatchu' talkin' 'bout, Willis?



    you're the one that stated "she's amazing with her favorite box call and slate. Of course, it helps that she now has two custom box calls and three custom slates, none of which she's had to do anything but smile to receive!" I smiled I'm waiting on my custom slate and box calls.




    Send me one of your Albert Paul calls and I'll send it back in a week or two after you've forgotten about it! It'll be the same thing!


    you would have to send it back so I could show you had to use it.



    I started out on a push button call when I was around 10 or 12 and its all I used for many seasons. They are great to start learning with and still come in handy even after you decide to "upgrade". I went from push button to slates and diaphragms and now it shows whenever I try to use a box call. I started teaching my daughter on a slate and she decided to go straight to box calls. She's about to turn 14 and she's amazing with her favorite box call and slate. Of course, it helps that she now has two custom box calls and three custom slates, none of which she's had to do anything but smile to receive!



    :) I'll be waiting for my calls I pm'd you my address.



    Whatchu' talkin' 'bout, Willis?



    you're the one that stated "she's amazing with her favorite box call and slate. Of course, it helps that she now has two custom box calls and three custom slates, none of which she's had to do anything but smile to receive!" I smiled I'm waiting on my custom slate and box calls.

    • Like 1

  6. I started out on a push button call when I was around 10 or 12 and its all I used for many seasons. They are great to start learning with and still come in handy even after you decide to "upgrade". I went from push button to slates and diaphragms and now it shows whenever I try to use a box call. I started teaching my daughter on a slate and she decided to go straight to box calls. She's about to turn 14 and she's amazing with her favorite box call and slate. Of course, it helps that she now has two custom box calls and three custom slates, none of which she's had to do anything but smile to receive!



    :) I'll be waiting for my calls I pm'd you my address.

    • Like 1

  7. Twist a good choke into one of the guns you have and go hunting. I doubt a turkey can tell a difference

    hard to argue with any of the above especially GG's post. Most often the full choke that comes with the gun works the best just pattern your gun before you go out. Good luck it's not hard to become addicted to turkey hunting.
