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Everything posted by core2

  1. core2

    grilled cheeze-hold the bread...

    Bro sent me this from NM today. Guess there are a few on the ground.
  2. core2

    grilled cheeze-hold the bread...

    Same here, did a 10 miler last weekend and saw tons of sign but nothing on the ground. Either I got beat or they haven't dropped yet. I know in NM a lot of bulls are still holding as of last weekend not sure about AZ. I'm guessing all this nice weather isn't helping the drop along.
  3. core2

    Found a couple

    Did a short hike today and scored.
  4. core2

    brownies come hard...

    Are all the random trucks and campers I am seeing parked on the few open forest roads shed hunters? I am still shocked I found a #2 where I did last week, there were 5 trucks out there today.
  5. core2

    brownies come hard...

  6. core2

    brownies come hard...

    Everyone on here keeps saying that but I find plenty of chalks and I pulled out a couple full packs in June last year. I found a shed last week a mile from I-17 in an area that has people walking through it regularly. It had sat there all summer and through hunting season.
  7. core2

    brownies come hard...

    When do the forest service roads usually open? April 1?
  8. core2

    brownies come hard...

  9. core2

    Keep up the Stoke!

    Right on! Nice one!
  10. core2

    Favorite ATL

    One of my fav's from last summer.
  11. core2

    Keep up the Stoke!

    My bro says he saw a few town bulls that have dropped in NM but most are still holding as of last weekend. I've done two hikes and only found old stuff here in AZ. Winter is returning next week it looks like with snow down to 5k, get out and glass while you can I guess.
  12. core2

    Found a couple

    I'm wondering if they will drop lower this season due to all the snow? Everything is melting off around the I-17 corridor but I didn't see any bulls where I expected them to be the other day. Did see about 20 pronghorn though.
  13. core2

    selling on ebay?

    any of you guys have any experience selling sheds on ebay? Looks like they go for a higher price than a normal buyer would pay in some cases? I may give it a try.
  14. core2

    Shed hunting pointers

    Prime Tine Antlers out of NM is already stalking this forest monster for his sheds. Pic from a few days ago.
  15. core2

    Shed hunting pointers

    I am at 5-7 miles per horn so that is good to hear. That is often just picking a random area I think looks good and going. This season I have a couple spots that produced for me last year which I think will get the mileage way down. If I didn't live in the valley I could stalk the bulls. If you are serious about shed hunting, going and doing some glassing right now is the way to go.
  16. core2

    Found a couple

    Nah, everything I found was from last season. No browns on the ground yet, here or in NM.
  17. core2


    I have no problem selling them. For me, it is half for the money, half for being in nature and getting exercise. I really like off trail hiking and shed hunting is a great excuse for that.
  18. core2

    Found a couple

    I could see I-17 from where I found these. Just goes to show that they all don't get found, even in the areas that get hammered.
  19. core2

    Shed hunting pointers

    Put in miles. If I find a shed, I clear out the whole area around it doing a grid search until I find the partner or any other sheds. If you hike enough, you will find something. I've also discovered that people in AZ don't seem to like to hike at elevation or up mountains because that is where I find sheds.
  20. core2

    Freaks of the Woods

    Buddy got this freak a few days back.
  21. core2

    Biggun 5x

    My brother pulled this out of our new honey hole today. He ran out of time but will be going back for the other half tomorrow. Nothing but huge 5x's in this area, so cool.
  22. core2

    Some Fall sheds

    Dialing in on a new shed spot in southern NM. We pulled 9 out of a relatively small area in 2 day hikes. Plenty of chalks so this place is ours. Grass is finally dying off, we glassed one from 1/8 mile on the other side of a canyon.
  23. core2

    Some Fall sheds

    Yeah my brother and his buddy shed hunted A-L Peak last June I believe. They found some big chalks but nothing too exciting for freshies. They got ran off by the heat so I think another trip will be in order next year. I'm wanting to ride back up to the Apache Kid grave. Know of any reliable water up there? I'll ask my bro about it next time I see him. That area and Cibola are usually pretty dang dry. Lincoln county has had a ton of rain the last few months and every stream and creek and low spot has water right now. It hasn't been this wet since the 90s.
  24. core2

    Some Fall sheds

    Yeah my brother and his buddy shed hunted A-L Peak last June I believe. They found some big chalks but nothing too exciting for freshies. They got ran off by the heat so I think another trip will be in order next year.
  25. core2

    Some Fall sheds

    Yea, this is Lincoln county. The spot we hunted borders the Apache reservation and a couple of the big hunting ranches so hopefully we can pull some big sheds out of there. It looks promising so far. If you've driven Hwy 70 you know that scenery in the pic behind the truck.