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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. The link below is to a story of a local family and their attorney seeking damages from Walmart because they sold ammunition to a murder suspect here in Las Cruces. Could get interesting! http://www.lcsun-news.com/news/ci_5743748 Kevin
  2. Kevin

    A Good Weekend

    Good job on your second bird! Calling them in is by far the most rewarding for me but to stalk to within 30 yards is a trick in itself--even if you do it by accident! I've seen a few gobblers with multiple beards but never have called one in. Maybe they are to busy with the hens to be called? Congratulations, Kevin
  3. Kevin

    Her fist catch

    Boys, we need to band together for guard duty with our shotguns! I believe all of us will pay for our raising in the next 10 years. Kevin
  4. Kevin

    Best load for Turkey

    I shoot 1 1/4 ounces of #4 on 18.3 grams of Unique. It patterns extremely well in my gun and has put down several birds. Anything you decide to shoot should pattern well in your gun, if not it doesn't matter how much shot or what size you shoot. Kevin
  5. Not to one up hunt4life, but I spent last week turkey hunting and wanted to share some photos. We just happened to be in the middle of several gobblers most days. I took one bird (8") on Monday afternoon and the other (7.5) on Tuesday morning. My partner also took a 6" bird. We found the sheds while chasing birds. I may have to go back to find more brown horns and follow up on a couple of coues spots we found! Kevin
  6. Thanks everyone! Kevin
  7. Being a non-resident it is obvious I'll probably need bonus points to draw a coues tag in most units in AZ. Is there a way to see what the current maximum points are for a given area? I've tried to find it on on AZG&F website without luck. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Kevin
  8. Doug, thanks I'll contact them. Jeffd- I'm pretty sure it is statewide? Can someone clear this up? Kevin
  9. Missedagain, your handle is a misnomer! Your second response is exactly my point. Thanks for the info guys, its appreciated. Kevin
  10. Basser15, Thanks for your reply. I know all about the 10% cap. My point is that I don't apply for a unit that is all that highly regarded for its coues hunting judging by the fact that it has been pretty easy to draw a tag prior to the cap being put in place. I didn't draw last year so I was just curious how many points it would take to be in the max pool for this particular hunt. The way I understand it, if 450 tags are available up to 45 go to non-residents. If there are 45 or more non-residents with max points applying for these tags all of non-resident tags will be allocated in the max point drawing. At least that's the way I understand it. I doubt it would take very many points in this particular unit to be in the max pool. Thanks again, Kevin
  11. Kevin

    Why the changes

    I have mixed feelings about it. I have always taken the full hunt plus 1 day before and 1 after. I'll miss having 15 days to hunt. However, the tag numbers are half what they were for each hunt so the total number of tags is still the same, but each of the first two hunts will have half the hunting pressure of years past. That is a good thing in my mind. Kevin
  12. Kevin

    mexican grey wolf talks

    Here's a brief article in the Silver City Sun-News about the commission meeting. http://www.scsun-news.com/news/ci_5553631 Kevin
  13. Kevin

    Arrow Weight

    Red, remember he's only 18--he probably doesn't breathe hard after running 100 yards! Kevin
  14. Kevin

    mexican grey wolf talks

    Matty, part of the problem is that even the NMDG&F elk biologist for the Gila doesn't have a good grip on the impact of the wolves. He does annual aerial surveys of calf:cow ratios in late September/early October. This past years data averaged about 42 calves per 100 cows at that time. By the time he does next years surveys last years calves are to similar in size to adults to distinguish them from the air so estimates of annual recruitment into the herd is not known. We only know that less than half of the cows in the Gila had calves 4 months after calving. Definately the drought, habitat quality and other predators have an inpact on these numbers. However, I wish USFWS were required to monitor the impact these wolves are having not only on big game, but other predators as well. It seems irresponsible to me not to. One of the most concerning things I've seen is in the Environmental Impact Statement for the wolf recovery. It states in its abstract, "For the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area, the net long term effect on wild ungulates is projected to be between 1,200 and 1,900 fewer elk, and between 4,800 and 10,000 fewer deer, than would occur if there were no wolves." Personally, I don't think there are 10,000 deer in the recovery area (Apache Sitgreaves and Gila NF). One way or the other, there is no monitoring being conducted and I think it should be. If you sincerly want to know more about the program here are some links you can read: http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/mexicanwolf/pdf/MW_EIS.pdf http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/mexicanwolf/ http://www.azgfd.gov/w_c/es/wolf_reintroduction.shtml http://www.wolfcrossing.org Kevin
  15. Kevin

    mexican grey wolf talks

    AG, I've known Ty since childhood and wish him well. I hope he still has sense enough to approach this with some middleground in mind. I attended similar meetings put on by Joe Delk here in Las Cruces the last couple of weeks and the way I see it, these groups are as radical as the other side. I believe the only way the Commission is going to be swayed is with a logical and repectful approach, not with wild accusations and emotionally filled rhetoric. Maybe I'm wrong! I was unable to attend the Game Commission meeting here in town yesterday due to work obligations, but I will post what I can find out later. I do know that there was a heck of a crowd there based on what I've heard so far, so maybe the Commission will get the idea that not everyone is thrilled with the wolf program. I think sportsman should get more involved with the Game Commission either through the montly meetings or personal communitcations, but like you said most of them are not responsive to calls or letters. I suggest sending a letter certified mail; it tends to get their attention when there is a record of it. I would certainly urge you to attend the meeting Ty has planned and get as many sportsman there that you can. We as hunters tend to be a little layed back when it comes to getting involved with some of this stuff but if we don't become more involved, what gripe do we have? Kevin
  16. Kevin

    Arrow Weight

    Younghunter, Your arrow weight is fine in my opinion. Make sure the bow and arrow are tuned well, shoot sharp broadheads, and don't shoot past your limits! I've had 5 complete passthroughs on elk with a 390 grain arrow from a 70lb compound. All shots were 35 yards or less and broadside. Choose your shot and be patient! As long as you have a sharp broadhead, arrows that are flying straight and don't take marginal shots you will have a dead bull come September! Kevin
  17. Kevin

    draw for deer

    Jeez, the application deadline is still 2.5 weeks away! It will be June 20th or so before the results are posted. Kevin
  18. Kevin

    hunter safety 100%

    fatty, You're right, all you have to do is pass the class, regardless of age, to hunt in NM. I had a seven year old get a 100 last weekend in my class (plus a 16 year old as well). The hunt is a guided cow hunt on Vermejo park for 10 hunters that get a 100 on the written exam and are under 18 year old. My teaching team has had 3 students in the last 2 years draw the tags and all had exceptional times! Congratulate your kids (especially your daughter) and slap yourself on the back as well. Kids that have caring parents to help them learn gun safety before coming to class always do better in the class. Good job Doc! Kevin
  19. Kevin

    New Coues Machine

    You guys need to stop it! Right now! I just got my tax return and I don't need to be building another gun, but I don't have a 6.5 cal any thing! Surely my wife would understand, right? Kevin
  20. Kevin

    UNIT 24

    Much of 24 is very thick brush. There are some areas where glassing is possible, but nothing like most of Southern AZ. Most of the unit is above 6500 feet so junipers to fir as far as trees go. Get a hold of Tommy (crazyaboutcoues) if your really serious about hunting it. He seems to know it well and has a scouting service.
  21. More than likely mzlloader will help you out, but here are a couple of tips. Before you load the gun in the morning snap a couple of caps through it to dry out any condensation in the barrel. Also if you are using a liquid patch lube don't use to much. Make sure your nipple is clean and dry before loading If you are properly loading the gun you shouldnt have to tap it to get powder to the nipple. If you have other questions after mzloader helps out just holler. I've been frustrated by these muzzlestuffers a while myself! Kevin
  22. Kevin

    New Coues Machine

    Doug, Beautiful! Who did the stock? Is it Bastogne or Clarol? Kevin
  23. Kevin

    Swarovski tripod adapter

    AZSagebrush, that's the one. I'll call the Outdoorsman! Thank you! Kevin
  24. Somehow the stud that screws into the binoculars (15x56's) came out of my binoculars in the field. I have scoured the internet trying to find just the stud but can't. Has anyone else ever had this problem and were you able to find the stud without having to replace the entire adapter ($100)? Kevin
  25. Kevin

    new to using a treestand

    OUCH! Sorry to hear that. I hope you mend quickly and completely. Kevin