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Everything posted by COUESAZ


    Another hit coming to USO

    crooked horn has withdrawn from the suport of USO. They said they have been pleased with the service they have recived from USO but will no longer use them. They said there suport rests with the sportsman and wild life not an outfitter.
  2. did jensens go out of buisnes in tucson. I know they were always high priced but atleas6t it was a place to kill some time during a long day in tucson.

    Coues Tag for unit 23

    See now your forcing me to tell all my secrets. I don't wear socks. That is how I sneak through the woods and desert so quiet. Like a light wind through the brush. I was wandering why every time I came back for my socks they were gone. I guess they do work for bear bate. I guess they do smell like a dead critter. I better wash them atleast once before hunting season.

    Another hit coming to USO

    I would buy the video, But would pay better money to be there with you guys to see it in real life. I am with you on the zumbo isue. Over on the arizona sportsmans journal web site they are all warm and fuzzy about zumbos letter and choice to not hunt a bull in arizona. Jeff foxworthy said he will not hunt this year in arizona to show his suport. Now that is someone I respect more for his action than zumbos. Besides that big Jim Zumbos cowboy hat is ugly.

    Another hit coming to USO

    Jim Zumbo says he is giving up his tag for this year to show he had nothing to do with the mess. In the same letter he said he will continue to use uso outfitters to draw tags for him. He said with all his writing and hunting he has no time to put in for himself. Hog wash if you ask me. If he lets his arizona tag go then that means he will only kill 6 Elk this year not 7 right. I said the same thing on another forum and those guys over there did not like it. It is like sept 11, they have already forgotten. They think that because Big Jim took the time to write an email to explain that he is a showing his suport to us. OK what ever. I know Lark will agree with me right.

    Coues Tag for unit 23

    I knew chris farley still lived. Your my hero tommy boy.

    Coues Tag for unit 23

    Enesto ( the buff woodsman) I knew I had seen you some place before. You are a legend in the woods. THE BUFF WOODSMAN. I guess you will be on the cover. That way you can show us the right way it is done.

    Coues Tag for unit 23

    That is why I love this site. All this great info will help me become a better hunter.

    Coues Tag for unit 23

    Bullwidgeon I like your idea, Just save your money for a great pair of boots. Dont forget the orange vest also.

    Topo Maps

    I use map tech on my computer. All I realy ever use in the field is the red arizona atlas book for 20.00 . It works good enough for me. I have taken mine and marked out each boundry for each hunt unit on it.
  11. I saw a big horn sheep get hit a couple years ago. It was still alive and I called the game warden. He came out and I told him how the guy that hit it was mad at me because I would not put it out of its pain by shooting it with my pistol. I told him you would never find my bullet in that animal. The warden told me that was a good Idea to not shoot it.The warden came out and put it down and took the animal with him. He said they needed it to study because big horns should not be in the area. I see them all the time in that area. I bet he has a nice big desert ram hanging on his wall as I type this out. Just another thing to think about. I have thought about taking the horns of of raod kill before, But then I start thinking of how to explain a fresh cut set of horns if I get pulled over. I have had sheds taken out of my truck by a warden to make sure they are drops not cut. I have one monster mule deer horn of a buck I saw get smeared by a big rig down in unit 32. I was glassing him as he was coming from 30b into 32 and smack. I saw were the horn landed off the side of the road. After the deer was picked up by the highway crew I went back and got the horn. He was a monster and sad to see him waste like that. Would not be much good meat left after being hit by a big rig.

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    The picture I got last year of a monster was just about a hundred yards down the hill from the main highway. This buck was seen not far from the road too. Maybe I am working to hard to get as far of the beaten path as I can. Just a thought. I will never give up my long hikes in search of my next monster coues buck though.

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    They are real pictures. Someone always has to say they are fake. I have a picture that I got last year of a buck that is the brother to that one. It is blury and I cant clear it up at all. I did not post it because of the bluryness and I just knew some one would say that is not real. I emaild it to amanda a while back . I do not know how to post pics on this site. so I guess I may email the to someone else and see if they can post it for me.

    Unit 32 Nov.

    Yes get the lion tag.

    Drop Camps

    It will cost you alot more that that to be packed in and picked up. You would probably spend about the same as an un guided hunt. My cousin does this for people he uses his five horses and three mules. He will pack you in about 10 or 12 miles to your picked location and drop you. Then at the end of the week he will ride back in and haul you out.

    Lion Experience

    Your best bet to get him. will be to find his tracks. so you know where he is coming from. Then clean them away. and check everyday tell you see his tracks back in that spot. It will help you learn how many days he is away from that spot. It does not always work this way, But it is one way to hunt them with out dogs. Another thing you may try doing is set your trail cam at that spot and see if you can figure it out by the pictures.

    Lion Experience

    If you could have killed him it would have made that spot better. Just think he may take the one you want.

    Lion Experience

    Are you ready to make a deal on a hand gun yet. Just think you could of had your lion right there. That is why I pack a hand gun all the time. Some times it is even just my bereta 25 auto in my back pocket. It makes enough pop to scare something off . I bet you were thinking even a 22 would be good right now.

    Spotting Scopes


    Unit 30B

    You got that right stay away from the klumps for sure.

    Unit 30B

    The mule mountains are a good spot. I would have to say that unit is a hard one to fill a tag in right now. It is going to get better in the future I hope. I would say it has been hunted hard and shot out very bad. I have some spots in there right now that I have been watching the last couple of years. It is on the mend. I would like to see them close that unit for a couple of years and let it go through a rehab. I lived in St David all my life and was in unit 30B all the time. The dragoons still hold some nice couse bucks but they are not seen as often as they used to be. I am hoping that my bucks I have seen make it to pass on there seed . If you can let them small ones keep getting big down there. The problem is to many guys come and shoot all the small dumb bucks that are still drinking milk off there mommy. Then are less bucks in the area, I did not mean to get off on a tangent there. The mules and dragoons are a good choice but a hard hunt.
  22. Now your last sentance is exactly what I have been talking about in all my other posts above. "Interpretation of the law". You can see it has caused you more trouble than you wanted to deal with. If they get anymore contol to Interperet there laws the way they want to we could get in trouble for things that are not wrong. Then if you can aford it you can fight it . If you cant then you pay the fee. I am glad you have got it taken care of. I hope the guy gets a butt chewing. But then it will just be one more greenie that has it out for you in that area.

    Photo Gallery

    I am 32 years old with three kids and a 27 year old wife. That deer was my very first deer I killed. The next year I killed a monster 3x3 mule deer. If you took the hunter saftey course you can hunt at the age of ten not fourteen. I cant have bed head at all so that is not a fair catagory I shave my head. Now the weight thing you just might have a point there. I am working on it. If you reread what it said by my photos that deer is 20 years old. If you saw the mount up close you would see every year.
  24. Treestandman he is not going to go get it at all. like Dimondback said most of them don't get out and hoof it through the hills. I would just give it some time and go get it in a while. unless yours is the one not far off the road by a waterhole and some salt. I know Two cameras that I have seen are that way in that area. even then let him go get it and do what ever he wants with it .You can say if it wasnt for the fire and the roads being closed it would not have been there that long.


    I have had shots come in my direction a time or two. That was back before camo and evryone wore a red or brown flanel shirt. I have not ever worne aorange. I will make my kids wear it when they go with me in the field. I don't do enough walking around to make me fill like I need the orange. If you get a good breakup orange the deer will not be able to see the orange so it is not a bad idea for people to wear it. I just don't like some people to see me. Then I find them there the next day. I tell you what though I sure know by naked eye when I see a hunter in blaze orange. So if you want to wear it go ahead . Even a cap like said above Is good enough to see.