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Everything posted by COUESAZ

  1. As a guide and owner of my own guide service . I do it because I love to hunt, And love to be in the outdoors. MY son and I are even starting to do a little gold prospecting for another hobby to do in the outdoors. Heck we even cook in the dutch ovens in the back yard atleast once a week just to be outside. USO is a comercial company in it for the money and the job .That is the way it goes some times. I am not saying they are bad for that. I only want them to back off of us. It should be up to each state to do it the way they want to. So they should just leave us the heck alone. Besides that I have seen some of the game they have taken on the outdoor chan latley and they have gone way down hill. I don't want to get so pissed off about it, But I just can't help it so please forgive me. Jade Goodman

    The Disappearing Act

    Lions may have a little to do with it, But most lions I have seen kill deer has been during the early mornings I have seen two coues deer killed By lions and they were killed soon after that by me and a friend. I do know that deer will change everything they do when lions are in the area.

    photo contest

    Yes we are related down the road a bit. He is Goodman outfitters of payson. We are GOODMAN BOY'S Hunting Guide Service.

    HUGE SHED.......

    I would love to see that. I hope you get to show us.

    photo contest

    Allan My name is Jade Goodman. I was raised in St.David down in 30b. I was raised hunting coues and mulies in all those # 30 units down there. Now i live in Mesa and run my bathroom renovation company. When I can I do my guiding and some hunting for my self.

    photo contest

    Ok thank you I will let you know when i am ready. thanks again.

    photo contest

    cool i will look at them right now. Do i purchase them from you then.

    photo contest

    I will take a look at them . thanks for the info on them . I did find a spot on here that shows some tripods and heads.

    photo contest

    Yes i have a slik tripod and a slik monopod. The monopod works great for the weight but you cant leave it up while doing something other than holding it up. what kind do you have from her and where can i see them. I guess i can look at the picture that you had on the contest to see it. thanks again.

    photo contest

    Ok thank you for the info on the binos. thats not to bad to me when you are able to see that far with them. Have a good one and once again good luck on the contest.

    photo contest

    My vote should be in for you too. Good luck, and let us know the outcome. By the way what is the weight on those binos.

    photo contest

    Tom I tried to put a vote in and I just keep getting an error page. I will keep trying. That is a cool picture for sure.
  13. I have a picture of a monster coues and I need to know how to post it . Or if I just send it in via email to be posted. I also have a mount of a buck killed 20 years ago when I was just ten years old ,and hornes from my buck last year.
  14. My mother just called me from the school that she teaches at. She said they just got a statewide alert for ARIZONA on a email virus that has just been started. They are saying to be sure not to open any emails from areas you do not know. It is smart to heed the warnings like this. We have lost a computer to a virus before so be safe out there in email land.

    Rut timing at higher elevations (7000-8500ft)

    I will try to get it done in the next couple of days maybe i can email them to you if you have an email. I got it with my digital cam and put them on my computer and tuched them up a bit the light in the pic was not the best so I brightend them up. I wish i would have known about the record on my cam it would have been a short but awsome video.

    Two Brothers, Two Bucks

    Great job on the bucks guys. My brother has been in Nebraska for the last two years and we have not been able to hunt together. I cant wait to hunt with him and my dad once again. Thanks for the pics and story. It sure has me excited.

    Rut timing at higher elevations (7000-8500ft)

    I was out last monday and I got a picture of a monster coues buck That would go into the books for sure. when I say in the books I mean In the top few. I am from Mesa and do most of my hunting and guiding for coues deer down southeast of tucson and i understand down there they are still in rut activity. Anyway back to the big buck. I consider the spot i saw him in being northern country somewhat. He was walking down a canyon and was by him self. I was in street clothes on my way to do a bid on a job. I left my wife and kids in the truck and went of down the hill to try to get a picture. he came within 5 feet of me the whole time i watched him come he was testing the air and smelling the ground he was showing sighns of some rut to me. All though his neck did not look to be very swollen and that could be part that i have not seen a couse with hornes of that size ever. He showed sighns of trying to locate some does. I got to show the picture to one of our coues hunting members this week. If i get my scanner and stuff working soon you will all see him.

    Basket horn coues bucks

    Bullwigeon That buck is a tight horned buck for sure. but the ones Im talking about are much smaller. that is a cool picture though. those hornes are high and tight. They do make a nice basket on him though. thank you for the reply and the pic.
  19. Did anybody come across any of the small 3x3 and 4x4 basket horn bucks this year while hunting or scouting. I was just wandering. I used to see a few each year and this year i have not seen one. maybe they all grew up into the monsters killed this year.I found a skull and horns last year of one that was a 4x4 and very heavy horned but no bigger than 7 inches wide. kind of a dumb subject but i liked wathcing the dainty little bucks.
  20. It is true we need to be able to do something about this type of stuff. That is why we need to be registerd voters and active citizens as well as outdoorsman .

    Basket horn coues bucks

    Prohunt. I appreciate the reply on this. I was just asking to see if people had seen any. I need to get some on film. We used to call them rock deer because we would see them in the rocks and on boulders almost like sheep. They are neat to watch i saw one that a guy has mounted and it is a nice looking little mount. we saw them alot down in 30b when I was growing up down there. I have not been in that country looking for them in some time. I will try the area you saw them in to see if I can find them. It should give me somthing new to do for awhile.

    o.t. lions

    I just sent you an email it did something funny so i hope it went through to you

    New Mexico OTC tags


    San Carlos hunt

    CHD A lion tag in Arizona only costs an Arizonan 11 dollars and is a full year tag. Now in some of the units you can take a lion a day until that unit reaches its quota. My favorite area to hunt coues deer is a sure fact of what lions do to an area. Three years ago we did not see a deer in there and now after two years and five lions the deer are back and going to get big. we will keep hunting lions in there, And you wait and see what takes place in there in the next couple of years. Get a lion tag every year and SOONER THAN LATER you will get lucky.

    San Carlos hunt

    They seem to be to big to be siblings. She was probably in heat They do a little court ship durring that stage. The male cat will smell the pee to see if she is ready. That is also a sure reason the deer were not easy to see. A mountainlion will kill a deer a week to survive. And big tom sometimes will end up with two a week. They both look like good cats. It is hard to tell from the photos , so they probably do a number on the deer in there. They are the cause of the shortage in everything this year deer , pigs , and they will even take a bear cub if the chance arises. Awsome pics for sure that would have made the trip for me right there.