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Everything posted by COUESAZ


    Coati hunting

    Treestandman I have never heard of anyone eating them It would be like eating a mixture of dog,cat.monkey, racoon. As far as im concerned I dont think I could unless i was in need for the food. Has anyone tasted it if you have pass it on and let us know how it tastes and I will take your word on it.I do know a spot were i have seen an albino one two times now. I have killed one out of the hundreds ive seen, and if i get the chance at the albino ill take the picture and show everyone.

    OT - spring bear 24A

    Pigman I thought i sent you another reply. On the bears but i dont see it on here. As i was reading what prohunt was saying i started thinking about what i had said above , and once again i was leading you in the wrong derection. I better get my head on if I am going to give advise. bear that time of year do eat alot of grass or what ever is there. they do not travel as far in the spring as they do in the summer. In the spring they dont have as much energy. so you do need to look in places were they have lots of grass to feed on. then farther down the road look for them moving to find the pears an acorns and food they will faten up on for the winter.
  3. CB 1 go to www.huntinworld.com and then find were it says coues deer , and it will go to coues crazy. I just talked to one of my friends down there and they said they know of two that they think will score around 120-125. They seem to think it was someone else that got them. I think there was a 138 coues buck from last year that was just finalized by the game and fish, But it was not out of unit 32 , but another area down south.
  4. I have not heard anything about it. I will start asking around. I have lots of contacts in that unit. I was raised in there and all my friends still live down there , and spend more time in all the #30's units than the do at home. they can almost tell you were you got a buck by looking at it. and if one is missing they are soon to know about it being gone. I will tell you it would not surprise me to see it true. This state sure does hold some nice bucks in it and there is always a surprise out there just waiting to be busted out of a draw some wear or glassed up high on a ridge. just talking about it I can almost see one ya know what Im saying. I do know that coues crazy has taken some very nice bucks. the owner of coues crazy is derek someting i have talked to him once.They do have a web page you can look on there if they did kill something of that size im sure they will have it on there.

    San Carlos Nov 04 tag

    ive never had much to do on the apache res. I have hunted alot up on the navajo . You say they told you dont need the companion permit and that is good to know. My thing now is if I think I need it on the res i get it. Up on the navajo we were archery hunting ( the biggest mule deer I have ever seen by the way). We had our bows in the bed of the truck. We were only going a few hundred yards down the road to pick up my brother in laws buck. and the navajo warden came up and pulled us over checked our tags, and saw the bows in open cases in the back of the truck. he gave us all a citation for hunting out of the back of the truck. there was four of us there. We were all up front in the cab. Then he said we had to each give him a hundred dollars or he would take our truck and bows for payment so we all said a hundred bucks is better and gav it to him and the four other game wardens that he radiod for help. We went by the tribal counsel on the way out of town to see if we could get our money back. They told us he is the law out there and could make his own choice for what he saw.Like I said in my life and on tv I have never seen so many book class bucks . That was 5 years ago and none of us have gone back again . So be sure on the res you even have the permits you think you might need. And dont pick up any sheds there eather my cousin picked up a partial elk drop that was about ten years old. and they busted him for obtaining animal parts on the res and that was in san carlos. Not saying you shouldnt hunt there , But saing be safe.


    Josh now i never said anything about passing him up. We have just been watching him and my dad is going to be the lucky hunter that gets to take the shot at him. I have a guy that is in alaska rightnow. that was suposed to be back in tuch with me about an open country mule deer hunt. this toad of a buck is an open country desert mule deer. My dads point is when you see a buck like this you take him. My dad dose not guide and dose not like the idea of guides much so he dose not think the same as me.We have both killed alot of deer , and im totaly honest when i say I have more fun guiding. My dad will let me know the outcome of it as I have to take care of my other buisness at this point. I know he has a good chance at getting him, no one else even knows he is there.its an area that has been hunted out for a few years and people dont put in much there anymore. we have killed a few lions in there and the herd is on its way back. we have seen some nice bucks in there this year and about 100 does . Last year my nephew and i saw thre monsters running together on the october hunt.so with a little luck we should have a good area back.

    OT - spring bear 24A

    you are right there has to be pears for bears, But they eat the heck out of them when they are there. I didnt really look at what time he said he was hunting. They will be moving at that time. I have seen alot of them crossing through open sides of ridges and along the ridge lines of long canyons. There feeding habits change and so do there movments. Bears will travle some distances in one day. so you do have a good chance that time of year to see them up and moving around during all parts of the day.so when you see one stalk to him and give the old carlton bear call a scream and be ready for some action. If you want to see the call work get his video on calling bears it is well worth it. So remember there has to be pears for the bears ha ha ha.


    no matter what time of year it is deer have to drink. I know where a 180 or better mule deer is right now that comes to the same waterhole ever morning right at sun up like clock work. So water is important to them all year long.

    Peloncillo Wilderness

    galiuro mountainman I sent you back an email i hope it went through.

    Peloncillo Wilderness

    Galiuro mountain man I will get you a pic as soon as i get my scaner up and running again. It is a cool picture to with the deer and lion in the same photo. I was not the one to shoot this lion my friend had the tag. we were scouting for our coues hunt and I told him to bring his lazeroni rifle with him that i had seen a few lions in this canyon on a few diferent trips. we finnaly got back there on the quads and he said he didnt want to pack the rifle up on the ridge and i said you better. He took it and as soon as we crossed over the top we heard the lion scream. Deer went all over the place. We looked at each other in awe and at the same time said mountainlion. So we sat down and could hear the cat draging the deer just down below us but could not see it. when we saw it it was down in the bottom rolling around on top of the dead doe. it then grabed the doe by the neck and leaped about ten feet up on a ledge, and that was not the right thing for that cat to do. My friend then took the shot. we headed of down there video camra running and 357 pistol and rifle in hand. when we got down there the lion was not there anymore so then we got a little uneasy. i turnd and there he was just behind us DEAD thank goodness. The one i killed while hunting coues was in highscool just a canyon away from that one. I do know that we are full of lion in this state. I know of 5 lions beeing taken in this area the last 2 years. you wouldnt belive the deer in there now. That is why i buy a lion tag and bear tag every year.

    San Carlos Nov 04 tag

    I have heard your friends need a permit to even go in the field with you on top of the camping permit but im not sure. someone let us know its a good thing to know.

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    CB 1 I am in mesa but I work all over Arizona. Send me an email and I will give you my number and tell youi what i do I dont want to afend anybody by talking on this site. maybe the guys on here arnt that way but just in case send me an email.

    Peloncillo Wilderness

    Do you have hounds that you use. If you do what breed are they. I love hunting mountain lion. have killed two while hunting coues deer. My friend has a good pack of hounds that we use when i have clients for mountain lions. His dogs have been under at least a hundred lions. We treed three lions on one saturday just for new pup training. sorry to take up to much of your time. I dont know enough about the area you are looking at. I like talking about lions about as much as coues. I do know it is important to hunt them they kill at least one deer a week. the last lion we got we saw it take down a couse doe. We have an awsome picture of it with use the lion and the doe down in the bottom of a deep canyon.
  14. you are right as a guide you like to see hunters come from out of state. they are willing to pay and alot of times they tip very well. I am a life time arizonan and if uso keep it up they will ruin it for alot of us in arizona that should have the first chance at our own game. so we should back our game and fish dept any way we can. uso is trying to get the monopoly on all the hunting, and that is wrong anyway you look at it.i dont like to talk about other outfitters and guids like this but they need to be stoped.

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    Josh it sounds like that buck just wanted to finish out this rut before he packs it up and heads of to the old breeding grounds in the sky. It sounds like you gave it a good hard try that is all anyone could ask of a respectful hunter. It sounds like that is what you are so go find another one. I wish i could be out ther hunting my self but i have to put hunting and guideing of for the moment. I just started a new bathroom renovation company and it is taking all my time and money.

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    JOSH Did your buck go up hill or down hill. if he went down then he is hurting. you should be able to find him the blood might slow down out side but he cant stop the bleeding on the inside and that is what the broadheads job is. they are made to make the deer bleed to death you did the right thing to not push him very hard. coues dont go very far anyway, and more so if he is hurt good. if you say you got blood in the first couple of jumps than the blood is pumping. you may have hit him high, and that dose slow the blood drops down. good luck and dont give up on him you have us waiting now.also if you dont find the arrow in the trail and it is still in him it will continue to cut him more and more every time he move.

    OT - spring bear 24A

    Find some cactus growing pears and glass them up they love the stuff. so just find big bunches of cactus. and hope for a good pear crop. you can also use the wayne carlton bear call. I have called in two bear with that. just make it sound like somthing is tearing your arms off and they come running.
  18. I have a good friend that is a butcher and when we kill a deer that is in the rut he always cuts the leg glands of first he says that it will make the meat taste odd if they stay on. he has a knife he cuts them off with and another for doing the rest of the work. like the rest of you i never have tasted the change from a rutting buck to a non rutting buck that i could tell.


    Hey CB1 No i dont have a web sight. I do need to get it done. I just love to hunt and be out .I want you all to know that i do not want to use this to advertise, i just like to talk about hunting coues deer with anyone that will. The only reason i chose AZ GUIDE is it is kind of an inside joke with my wife and she was setting here next to me when i did it. I do guide and love it almost as much as hunting for my self. my hunter did not fill his tag. I think the same of hunters that do it on there own as i do about hunters that use guides. we all have the same goal and that is to hunt and be in the woods, and hope we are the ones to bring in the toad of the year, and man that buck that is on here is a toad. so remember let the small ones get big a that is what will come of it. AZ GUIDE


    coueshunter my favorite time to hunt for the coues buck is the last weekend of the december hunt and into january for sure. its not just the action that you get into but, I love being in the high desert when it is cold and dusted with snow. I am training my nephews in the art of coues deer hunting right now my son is only 3 years old and begs to go every time i go out. next year he can go with me. and i hope i can start passing on that love of the hunt for trophy bucks on to him. my nephews are mad that i did not shoot the bucks we got on. I explained to them that if we let the two point go next year he may be a shooter. and the small three points will be for sure . so good luck in the bow hunt if you get out i hope i get that chance.


    Well i am new at this computer stuff so i hope this works. I got drawn for a hunt that i have waited for the past 5 years. it was my first choice for those five years. I drew it this year for the december hunt. was busy with other hunters and only got to hunt the last two days. we saw 8 nice bucks. Ifound my shooter and for the first time in my life. i was the one saying oh man i missed. I have a few nice bucks under my belt, and a 114 incher on my wall. and this one gave me good old buck fever. So i hope i get some time to take out the bow and see if i can stick the old toad. if nothing else some pictures of him.