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Posts posted by COUESAZ

  1. It is a great area you should have good luck at filling your tag on a good buck. I would say that if you can , hold out for a good one and let the small guy's grow up for next year.


    My brother and I have two bucks in that unit we have named them WALTER and WALTERS BROTHER. They are in a spot that I will not tell. Take your time in the mornings to glass the sides of the hills that the sun comes up on. It will keep you in the cover of shade longer and the bucks will feed up those ridges and get a bit of sun while they eat .

  2. I want to be there just to see lark . I pay to see him get all red faced and upset in persone. as long as it is not at me. Good luck and thank you to all those that will atend the mtg in behalf of us that can not make it. I have a job that has to be done today it is bound by good old contract law you know.


    I may have to change from ARIZONA GUIDE to some other name after this is all over. So you guy's won't rope me together with other people involved here. I am in the same boat as all other Arizonans with this one.

  3. Go ahead and send away please. Like I said above you will be the one spending more money every year to hunt in our great state. I am sure that the USO will give you a big fat discount for it to. Don't be fooled by him As the non res price goes up so will his. So go right ahead and send your money that you don't have.


    my price to hunt will be the same next year and so will my guide fee that I pay each year. I will still be able to chase our beloved coues bucks and mule deer around with my bow for the same price if I don't get drawn. But then again I am sure it will be unfair for us to hunt for cheaper than you in our own state too.If you wanted life to be fair you should have stayed in sudayschool.


    I also hope you get the chance to hunt with USO if you do make sure you pay the top price or you may get the guide that has never even seen an elk.

  4. The only problem with this fire is it is burning every thing . Lots of fires will burn in a mosaic pattern and leave lots of green but this one is burning to a moon scape in most places.


    It will grow back. and the deer and and bear will move right back in and eat the good fresh new growth. They are atracted to the new growth in areas because they have the best nutrition for them.


    The bad part is all the water holes get thick with black water and ash. and then it ruins alot of water. I was in after the huge fire last year and saw tons of elk already back in there just a week after the fire.


    The worst part I see with it is all the roads that were overgrown will now be easy to go on. Lets just hope that the trashy 4X4 people from here in the valley dont go up there and turn it into another sicamore creek.


    It will open alot of ground to be prospected too. So along with scouting this season I will be up there with the old gold detector trying to find some more of that good arizona gold. (I know I could use another outdoor hobby.)

  5. Yes the northstar productions are the Mc Clendons out of cottonwood and globe.


    They do know couse deer and Elk. It is john McClendon and his sons and they are outfitters. They have the awsome bulls videos and the El Cato mountain lion video.

    If you like good hunting videos north star does some good ones.


    They have even guided the Eastmans on a couple hunts. As far as good coues videos I think you have them. I think we will see some more in the near future but there are not very many out at the present time that I know of. some body may have some others they know of.


    Kirk kelso would be a good one to put out a video. If he has I would like to know about it.

  6. I would recomend you get a revolver. For a starter handgun they are a bit safer and easy to shoot. I am a hand gun nut . I would say your best bet would be the 357. Like said above you can shoot the 38 round through it for target shooting and the 357 for hunting . If you want let me know and I can let you see the ones I have Or I can run down to the sportsman or bear mountain with you and look at some . If you buy a handgun at caswells you also get range time in the purchase. This time of year that can help.


    You say no 22. but you can get a nice ruger that you can shoot the 22long rifle and 22 mags. A 22 mag has just as much velocity as a 38 It just lacks in the knock down power. But for a side arm they are light to pack and great to shoot. I know a couple black bear and lions that have been killed with a 22 mag hand gun.

  7. D Back


    I just did not know until the last minute If I was going to put in or not. All I did was put in for one december coues dere hunt and that is all. I almost didn't put in for anything. Last year I only hunted for two day's of my december hunt. I did not want to put in and add another guy to the draw this year if it looked like I would not be able to hunt. So I figured I would just buy a bonus point this year for Elk. And use it next year with my other 6 points.


    I put in late every year anyway that is just the way I have done it all my life. So good luck to ya D Back AZ and all the rest of you guys too.


    Ernesto I hope most of all you get the tag you are after you always are up beat and hope the best to everyone you come in contact with on this site. So I hope God will bless you this year our friend.

  8. I put in last night and it would not take my card. It would keep saying it was trying, to push the refresh button and then it would not go any farther. My friends did the same thing. he just called me and said it worked today. If you had a problem I think it is set up to tell you about the problem.


    I hope mine works today Because i have a date with the buck that got away last december. I am into this buck with three 25-06 shells. And that is one more shell than I have shot at my last two bucks put together.


    Come on december hunt .

  9. I have been hard at work and not on the site much. I just saw this post , And would have to say it looks like a coues buck to me. With a nice tight rack and alot of trash. I can see it has some good mass that adds up fast and alot of points that add up just as fast. when you look at the jumps in elk in the last two years you can see it is not imposible to break world records. I know if some of the bucks of the good old days that have been lost to house fires and just been thrown out with the trash we would see lots of monster bucks that have not been under a tape.


    I don't even have 2 Cents to give right now so that is all I can say.

  10. Kirk


    Good enough info to let this one rest. You should know how it works down there. Like coues crazy said he was sure it was just here say. The power down there is for sure the guy's with the money in hand and the land to back it with.


    I wish you guy's a good safe year in the field this year and plenty of trophy class bucks. I am sure the trophy class bucks will be there for your team. I look forward to seeing them in trophy hunter magazine this year.


    Jade Goodman.

  11. I think everyone needs to reread each post and see who said what. We have people agreeing with each other and then saying the opposite thing as the people they just agreed with.


    My first post states that I think each person on the tag gives you a chance to get drawn. So in my mind that means you have four chances to draw a tag. If you put a hunt in all the choices then you have four chances at five diferent hunts.


    I never said anything about bonus points in my first post. I do know if you have bonus points they are averaged out between the people on your app. That is what I stated in my second post not my first post.


    When you call in or go on line to see if you got drawn it does not ask you for the app # it asks you for your ID number.


    I do not know how they do it if four people put in for a hunt and only one tag remains for that hunt. I never have woried about that. I would rather hunt with my Brother and friends than go by myself. Part of the hunt to me is to share it with people you like hunting with. If that means I hunt in october or november over december. That is ok to I will just get my buck a month or two sooner.


    Again if I am wrong. And I very well could be I will say now I am sorry .If someone gets the time maybe they could ask the game and fish the question. If I get a spare second I will call and find out.

  12. You both may be right . I have always thought the same thing until three years ago a friend of mine said his uncle that works for the game and fish explained it the way I did above. he also said that the bonus points are the same way they multiply all your chances that many more times. But your bonus points are avraged out between every one on the the app. So if someone has none it will hurt the average.


    I see what your saying about there only being one tag left and four people putting in on the same app.


    I have only put in alone one time in my life. I have always drawn my first choice. even the one year I put in alone. I have never gone a year without drawing a tag in 21 years eather. I guess the draw odds have been on my side.


    Maybe amanda would be able to clear it up for us. She has worked with the game and fish alot it sounds like. So she could know the answer. The last thing I want to do is preach false game and fish doctrine.


    so if I am wrong. I will say in advance that I am sorry.

  13. The way it works is if you have four people put in for a hunt. you multiply your chance to be drawn by four. So if you have four people and five hunts picked you will most likley be drawn for something. If the number four guy gets drawn for the december hunt then you all get drawn with him. I will say this year is the first year I put in alone and got the december hunt. All my friends got pissed at me because they would have been drawn with me had I waited for them to get ready on the last day of app drop off.
