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Posts posted by COUESAZ

  1. We are looking for a spot close to camp geronimo for this comming week. we will be there most of the week. not aposed to a rv park for this trip either. We will just be sleeping at the trailer. We will not be there all day. or if there is good camping close to it. Thanks for any info.

  2. Not sure what rings they are. just basic rings. the scope was off another 22 i had.The open sites do not affect the scope at all. i left them on because it was dead on with the open sites so if the scope ever goes bad or gets broke i can still take small game with it.


  3. I agree Bill, lions are at the top of the list. Right now for sure. I hate seeing people say how they took 40 lions in one area. I get a kick out of most numbers people put up about how many lions they put up a tree or bluff up on a ledge each year. I guess those are the guys that have dogs give birth on the trail and they drop with eyes open and running with the pack. I need some of those pups for sure. I did just pick up a ranch for lion hunts that the rancher told me he has more lions and coyote then cattle.I know he was joking,but he is having lots of calf kills. Look forward to see what comes from this ranch. I have seen a lot of does with twin fawns the last couple trips out to his place. I realy like to see the deer herds doing that good.

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  4. Hey guys. My mom needs to get her Ford Taurus reprinted. It was in a wreck and fixed then reprinted. Well over a couple years the paint is coming off and egg shelling also. So she would like to get it done in the same silver grey color. Does anyone know someone that paints cars that is trust worthy. Also anyone have a ball park figure on what a paint job cost now days.

  5. We can only hope hunters would not shoot a mom bear with a cub, but you can not put it past all the people that go out in the woods. If a bear has a cub and you shoot the bear you are shooting way to fast. Most of the time if you see one you see the other not to many seconds after.

  6. Well if you end up having to buy a new one go to gravely trailers out in AJ. I had one from there until someone else needed it more. It was stolen about 2 years ago. It was a 14 foot long by 6 foot wide with 2 foot tall sides. Warped in expanded metal. I think thy called it landscape style. I paid 1200.00 brand new then. Also see them all over Craigslist list for under 1000.00.

  7. I have the plain old camouflage garmin etrex. And I have the garmin astro 220 for tracking the hounds. Both do a great job at getting me back to where I started. the etrex is just extra weight in my pack. But I would rather have it then not. I can walk away from my truck all day long and end up back at it at dark 30. I have only been lost one time. And when I turned around to my friend to say we might be lost. I saw my tuck about 30 yards away peaking out of some trees.
