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Posts posted by COUESAZ

  1. Hey Bass

    I tore the muscles to begin with. Then about a year after that i tore the ligaments and tendons in them. The put me on permenant disability wich i would stay away from if i were able to. but the Drs said i have reached the end of what medicaly can be done. so i guess you could say its like bad tendonites now. my limitations now are no lifting over 20 pounds and no continued use of of my elbows and forarms. like twiting and gripping.

  2. Well at the age of 39 I am being forced into finding a new career. I have been a plumber for the last 17 years. I have done it all from new construction to remodels, and many years in the service department. After the injuries to my arms I can no longer do the work of a plumber. So no I have to find another line of work. Any ideas as to what is out there. I can also get training and schooling through the workers comp and state I guess. But I have no idea as to what I want to do. I always wanted to be in the outdoors for work. Law enforcement of some kind was always a dream but at my age and the situation with my arms I could NEver make it through the acadamy haha. What are some cool jobs that you guys do or know of that someone could get into. We are also not against relocation either. I would love to get out of this city.

  3. We slow cook boneless chiken in the crock smothered in salsa. Then we shred the chiken and freeze it for chiken burritos and tacos. Then we just toss it in the pot on the stove and thaw it out for dinner. Slap it on taco shells or tortillas and you are done. We also do the green chilli with pork and chiken for green chilli burittos

  4. I use an ATV to save my truck. I have also hunted most my life on horses and mules. I have never used my quad off road to even pick up a downed animal. I pack it to the closest road then drive the quad to it at that point. I my self have never had an atv drive past me or blow my hunt by driving off road through my hunt area. I know it does happen. But I have had other hunter walk right up on deer I was glassing and blow my game plan and they never even saw the buck jump and run. I have had guys on mules and horses blow my game plan a hundred times. I do not expect the game and fish to restrict the area because this took place. So as I agree with the main post I also disagree with it at the same time. Leave open the areas for us to use and everyone needs to do their part to turn in and bust the jerks breaking the laws. Walk up to them and let them know they are breaking the law and a phone. All will be placed as soon as you can.

  5. Yep I know those interesting situation.(wife). Oh great is that your phone ringing. (me)Yes let me grab it real (wife). No just let it ring the answering service will get it. (me)Yea but he may have killed a big buck. (wife)Oh is that more important then what we are doing.(me) yes. (wife) pushes away and gets up from the kitchen table and says fine I hope your dinner is cold by the time you get off the phone. Is that the situation you were talking about.

  6. ONe of the men on the plane was from my home town his older brother was a classmate of mine. they where hunters and outdoorsman. i think they said he was to be maried this december. Very sad news for their families any time, but very hard to go through it on such a time for families. My prayers will be for the families and loved ones they left behind to have what comfort the lord will give them to help them at such a hard time.

  7. You know how journalism is. They are going to throw a twist in it to draw an eye to things on their agenda. I think they did the right thing by calling. He called as soon as he knew what they had. A guide that is straight up honest is the one I want to use. They did just what they knew they should do. I am sure Donnie k eq his dogs would not stop right there so he called them to see what he should do. If the wrong people see you running dogs on a jaguar you are done running dogs anyplace. And some one will end up with your dogs.
