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Posts posted by Dick

  1. The Annual DCA Elk Hunting Seminar is June 19th. Corky Richardson will be sharing years of experience of elk hunting in Arizona. There will be vendors,raffles,auction items and door prizes!

    This is a FREE seminar but we encourage participants to bring "non perishable food items" to be donated to the Manna Ministry at Calvary Community Church. You will recieve one ticket for a special raffle for each food item donated. Ten items, ten tickets!http://myemail.const...aid=C3H9qydPb0k


  2. What a great response from the bowhunting community! The ABA Banquet appears to be sold out and we had to shut down online sales this afternoon! Thanks to all who support your organizations, if you are attending I hope you have a great evening. There are some great items available, the Swarovski 15x56's would fit perfect in my plans! :lol:


    Thanks to All,

    ABA Board of Directors

  3. Just wanted to let everybody on here know that I am going to be moving to Nebraska on the 20th. I am hoping to be back for a coues hunt this next year but there is no garuntees. I will be attending the Arizona Elk Society banuet on the 19th and hope to see a bunch of you there.


    Good luck on the move an I hope it is positive. There is some great Whitetail hunting in Nebraska!! I have not hunted there but have friends that do. But, I have gone to Kansas the last several years and love it. Good luck, Dick

  4. Very late but never too late for prayer! God be with your family through this time or sorrow. We never will understand the plan that God has for us and some times it is hard for us to understand. I know that Garrett must have touched a lot of people including his family. There will come a time when you can look back and smile with the knowledge that Garrett had an assignment here on earth the he obviously completed to to the glory of God.

    My stepson went through two open heart surgeries between age of 16 through 21 and was killed in a single car accident at 23. Unfortunately, as happens with so many young people, he had been drinking with buddies and decided to drive home. His death impacted a lot of people,a couple of his closest friends have never had a drink since that night and it has been 26 years. The memories never go away but smiles with the memories become easier in time. I pray for you and your family that through all this you will soon reach the day where thoughts of Garrett brings smiles instead of tears. Never forget the good times and God Bless!

  5. The scores are posted on the ABA site and the Usery Mtn Archers site. Thanks go out to over 200 shooters showed up for the "6th Annual Cactus Classic", the 1st Leg of the Triple Crown held at Usery Mountain Park this past weekend.

    Congratulations to Usery Mtn. Archers for putting on such a great event! You always are first class and it never is a simple as it seems! Thanks for all you do!


    Link to Scores on ABA site.

    Usery Mtn Archers site

  6. After running into brick walls for so many years, you have to understand that the ABA Board of Directors is thrilled to be able to make this announcement. Few people really understand all the hassles that are encountered trying to hold an event like this. There are few places that have the means to handle the vehicles, getting permits, etc:. I think every imaginable venue had been explored the last few years in the Flagstaff area. That is where the ABA belongs and it is good to be "going home". Morman Lake is where it all began over 30 years ago!!

  7. Bowhunter Happening 2011- July 29-30-31 :) :rolleyes:


    Ground work is being laid to hold the 2011 Bowhunter Happening back where it originated over 30 years ago, Mormon Lake, AZ.


    Mormon Lake may not be today what it was then but hopefully all the effort of finding a home in the high country of northern Arizona will bring back a lot of the "old atmosphere" that made the Bowhunter Happening one of the greatest shoots in the country. As we finalize all the in and outs we will post them to keep everyone as informed as possible!

    The ABA Board of Directors has worked tirelessly for several years trying to find a home in the I-17 corridor of northern Arizona. Always obstacle!! Unbelievable obstacles! Persistence has finally paid off and the BHH will be in a sense "going back home".

    As more information becomes available we will post it.

  8. Unfortunately, like in most all situations, a few ruin it for all. The reasons for Game&Fish making the changes to claiming head sheds etc: was because of illegal take. Poachers would shoot a trophy critter, hide it, cover it with brush or whatever, and later go back and retrieve the head, antlers or whatever. Then they could sell them and collect $1.000's in some cases.

    The law now allows someone who finds a dead critter to report it to G&F, they will examine the animal and if they find no evidence that it was shot and it was believed to have died from natural causes, then the finder can claim it. If there is evidence that it was shot then it belongs to the state, in this case G&F as they have been given jurisdiction on managing wildlife in AZ.

    A friend found a huge bull buffalo on the Kaibab last year while Buffalo hunting. He contacted G&F, the next day an officer met him at the site, spent a long time with metal detector and physical examination of the animal looking for evidence that it might have been shot. He could not find anything and my friend now has a great trophy on his wall.

    When the value of antlers becomes so great, there are people that will stop at nothing to make a buck. We all pay the consequences.

    I believe the $300 in minumum bid, otherwise it would have gone on display somewhere or been used by Game and Fish in some manner.

  9. For unknown reasons, many people did not receive banquet information through the US Mail. No one knows why but because of this the ABA is offering discounted tickets with free raffle tickets to anyone who reserves them online before Friday March 4th for the banquet which is Saturday March 5th. There is a great list of items to be auctioned, raffled or in buckets etc: Go to the ABA website "Banquet Page" to see just some to the great bows, optics, rifles and shotguns plus more. The attached link will take you to the site to register for tickets of which you can pay for at the door.

    Thanks for your support in 2011.Discounted ABA Banquet Tickets

  10. Hunting Fair Javelina Camp February 18th - 20th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When was the last time you spent a morning or afternoon introducing someone new to the sport of hunting?


    Here is a chance for you to help someone get started into the sport of hunting, or maybe to help someone who has hunted but needs help with basics to make them successful!

    ABA, Outdoor Experience 4 All, AZ G&F Dept. are teaming to sponsor this hunt. Check this link for details and location!

  11. The first leg of the Western States Triple Crown is set for Feb. 26-27th at Usery Mountain Park. This shoot is hosted by the Usery Mountain Archers. Online Registration or printable registration forms are available by following the links on the ABA Website or by going to the Usery Mountain Archers website

    Come out, have a good time, support your local archery club and the Arizona Bowhunters Association.

  12. As you may or may not know we had a brother in Christ Phil Dalrymple who lost his 12 year old daughter Andra Jane to a failing heart condition a little over a month ago as a total surprise. An archery shoot to her memorial is being planned on Dec 11 in Silver City NM . I would encourage all of you who can to attend this one day event in honor of her memory. I am not one for elaborating on e-mails so much but would love to discuss details of the event with you. My cell is 602-300-4408 and my home is 602-237-3206. I know that it is the opening weekend of our late season archery hunt but I absolutely guarantee that you will miss a blessing by not attending. Andra was saved and is in Glory as we speak but the aftermath which I personally am planning on testifying to as to Gods grace and amazing love to us will be worth the drive. Come because you need to hear what good things are being done and will to come in the future and to show support for a brother as to what we all do and love so much. Also you can shoot a tournament to have a little fun as well, you will cry, laugh and spend some quality time with a bunch of friends.You most likely will come away with an entire new view on who we are as beleivers, see you there CORKY RICHARDSON






    LAVEEN, AZ 85339

